I am very pleased with the re-launch of www.umflint.edu. Yes–I know there were issues of slowness with the site which had to do with servers, but overall the launch went about as smooth as these things can go. That is why we only do it once every few years. It is a disruption, but a […]
November 1, 2010
Communication, design, marketing, web, website
I was at a meeting recently where someone accused a group of not engaging in “Thought Leadership.” My first reaction was, “What the heck does that even mean?” I have never been a proponent of business jargon. I don’t advocate for synergy, I detest the notion of thinking outside the box, and I shudder at […]
October 12, 2010
brand, creative, creative team, creativity, higher ed, innovation, Leadership, marketing, Tips, trends, u of m flint, um-flint, umflint, university, university of michigan flint, university relations, ur
What’s New If you’ve visited UM-Flint on Facebook lately, you may have noticed a new look. Using images of UM-Flint students, the new graphics encourage you to “Like Us.” We hope that you do! And if you haven’t “liked” UM-Flint yet, you can click “Like” at the top of our Facebook page now. Also on […]
October 11, 2010
analytics, college, education, facebook, higher ed, marketing, michigan, social media, social media report, social networking, twitter, u of m flint, um-flint, umflint, university, university of michigan flint, university relations, ur, web, youtube
Where do we get our inspiration from in University Relations? It turns out we all have different resources that help us to think creatively, strategically, or just make us laugh out loud. Here’s our list of things we find useful, and they are categorized for your convenience. Happy clicking!
October 8, 2010
brand, creative, creativity, design, graphics, higher ed, marketing, social media, social networking, Tips, trends, twitter, university relations, web, website
As fall semester began, bringing with it our largest-ever population of enrolled students, we decided it was time to test the social media waters at UM-Flint. The vehicle: the Welcome Back Picnic on September 16. We’ve been putting a lot of careful thought into our social media initiatives this year. Have our efforts been paying off? Would […]
September 28, 2010
brand, college, content, creative, education, events, facebook, flint, higher ed, marketing, michigan, social media, social networking, twitter, u of m flint, um-flint, umflint, university, university of michigan flint, university relations, ur, web, welcome back picnic
During a recent Search Engine Optimization (SEO) webinar hosted by HubSpot, a mention of “inbound marketing” piqued my interest. Inbound marketing: that idea of bringing your consumer to you, not shouting your message at your consumer. I already knew that UM-Flint’s search engine results would increase with an elevated reach of our content. For example, […]
September 16, 2010
analytics, blogs, facebook, Google, higher ed, inbound marketing, linking, marketing, search engine optimization, social media, social networking, Tips, twitter, u of m flint, um-flint, umflint, university of michigan flint, web, website, youtube
What’s New After a summer of brainstorming and researching, University Relations is excited to do more with social media in terms of engaging audiences and measuring our success. Facebook is an initiative that we have long embraced, one which has seen great results. Over 4,000 people are now connected with UM-Flint on Facebook, and we […]
September 14, 2010
analytics, brand, content, foursquare, marketing, social media, social media report, twitter, u of m flint, um-flint, umflint, university, university of michigan flint, university relations, ur, web, youtube
Ever wonder what goes into designing a brochure, laying out a billboard, or creating a website? Believe it or not, there’s no “Easy Button” when it comes to effective and strategic design. The process is often long and always well thought-out. Here are the steps to producing a successful design project:
September 7, 2010
brand, college, content, creative, creativity, design, education, flint, graphics, higher ed, marketing, michigan, social media, Tips, trends, twitter, typography, u of m flint, um-flint, umflint, undergraduate admissions, university, university of michigan flint, university relations, web, website, website redesign
In 2010, it’s easy to convince ourselves that our modern media and business savvy enables us to differentiate help from hype. Nobody wants to self-identify as a “dupe,” and salespeople know this. Which is why many of today’s salespeople often cloak their underlying goal (making sales) under a thick veneer they dub “expertise,” “coaching,” “consulting,” […]
September 2, 2010
advice, consultants, experts, gurus, higher ed, marketing, outsourcing, problem solving, sales, snake oil, Tips, u of m flint, um-flint, umflint, university, university of michigan flint
Coming to a computer screen near you…. The University of Michigan-Flint is proud to launch the new Leadership Video Series on the official UM-Flint You Tube site. This set of eight videos features the Chancellor, Vice Chancellors, and Deans of UM-Flint, speaking about their particular areas of oversight. These videos give viewers a bit of […]
August 30, 2010
brand, college, education, higher ed, marketing, social media, u of m flint, um-flint, umflint, university, university of michigan flint, university relations, ur, video, web, website, youtube