Serving students and faculty since 1971

Applying for Scholarships?

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Scholarship applications for UM-Flint are coming up fast! The application process opens December 9th, 2013 and remains open until February 14th, 2014. Also, check out the Financial Aid website for other great scholarship opportunities. The scholarship essay is a critical part of the application process, and at the Marian E. Wright Writing Center, we can

Writing Center Guide for Changing a Light Bulb

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  Realize that changing a light bulb is never easy or predictable. When changing a light bulb one can never follow a guide sheet that some other light bulb changer typed up when he had nothing to do. Introduce yourself and make sure to get the light bulbs name. Find out when the new light

Purposeful Statement

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Sometimes, getting started is the worst part of writing.  I always tell writers I work with to first figure out what you are going to say and then worry about how you are going to write it.  Sounds simple enough. But, what if you have no idea of what you want to say? Often, I

Calling All Creative Writers! A Series on Creative Writing in the Writing Center for National Novel Writing Month.

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NaNoWriMo is here! Again. Already, we’re five days in. If you’re participating, I hope you are well on your way with your project, are enjoying yourself and are not too behind on schedule if you’re following one. I was thinking, in light of the fifth of November being a holiday meant for us to celebrate

The “P” Word

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Yes, Ladies and gentlemen, the “P” word. Who knew uttering its three syllables in mixed company could evoke such a myriad of responses, from fear and loathing to inspiration and admiration, this it seems, is one powerful word. And although I indulge in its use, let’s face it, I’m not Shakespeare, nor can I channel

Why English lit classrooms should read more than dead white men

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So, lots of people don’t like reading, for various reasons. After a while, I started trying to put myself in their shoes. It could be the degree of relevancy the texts have to students’ lives (which could be very little, depending on the amount of discussion). It could be the pace at which people go

Channel Hemingway

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When in doubt, channel Hemingway. This has been my writing motto as of this last year. I had to forgo using this motto while drinking, because I found out I am more like Fitzgerald than Hemingway when it comes to my alcohol tolerance. While drinking before noon is not a way I can emulate this

Twitter Writing Center Love

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Below is the collection of tweets from writing centers around the world sharing what they love about their centers.  Take a few minutes and scroll down to see how awesome writing centers and writing center people are.  We’d like to thank all the writing centers who participated in sharing their love, and a special shout-out