Smashing the Block
A little samurai action is a good way to release frustrations, but we’re not all black belts, so instead, deep breaths, and maybe a jog up and down the stairs might just do the trick.
This is the time of year when we are all on the edge of burnout. Tests, papers, presentations…how are we going to get it all done?
First, take a deep breath, second, take another…and another. Deep breathing, and muscle relaxation can help you get through the next couple weeks, or any stressful time in your life.
Here is a link to some excellent relaxation scripts that can be done right at your desk in a few minutes (or more, if you have them). http://bit.ly/tLU4I0
If you’re still feeling the pressure, make an appointment in the M.E. W. Writing Center, even if you just need to talk about your thesis or topic. This is what collaboration is all about and it’s what we specialize in.
Collaboration is Key
This is one of the most important concepts for writers to accept when it comes to the writing process. We often think of writing as an isolated, singular action. The actual writing part of the writing process is, but the process begins and expands in our minds, and in turn, can be discussed and developed through conversation.
It’s always a good idea to do some free writing, just get your words down on paper (or computer screen) as they come to your mind about the topic that is holding you hostage. It doesn’t even have to be complete sentences. It’s just good to get the words out so you have something to work with.
This is where the Writing Center comes in. There is no typical appointment, writer, paper, or process. Each individual is wired differently, but one thing most of us have in common is the need for community, sharing, or commiseration. Many times, when we’re struggling with our content, we are hesitant to discuss our ideas because of the thought that “it must be wrong, stupid, boring, fill in the blank here with whatever you’re feeling.
This is hardly the case, since if you have an idea it’s the beginning of a paper, like a seed in the ground.

Let Us Help Put the Pieces Together
When someone comes in with ideas, good things can happen if you let them. Often, that particular starting point, main point, or conclusion pops into the writer’s head after a tutor asks a few questions and he or she talks their idea into a coherent thought. Sometimes it takes a little more discussion, or collaborative brainstorming, or searching for the right sources together.
From there, we can help with developing a thesis, organization, style, and perspective. And it all starts with a conversation.
So take a deep breath, call or go to our webpage online to make an appointment, and let’s chat, then write.
Oh yes, and don’t forget to try jogging up at least one of the floors on your way to our 5th floor location, French Hall 559. You can always jump in the elevator if you can’t jog the whole way up! It will help get the creative juices flowing!
Smashing the block: souldiving.com
Circle of hands: openpages.com
Puzzle picture: communityorganizer20.com