Gragnar, the raging orc, sat awkwardly hunched over a sheet of rough parchment, his thick fingersgripping the quill with surprising care. His heart, usually fueled by the fury of battle, now pounded with adifferent kind of tension—one he wasn’t used to. He was writing a love letter, but not to any noblehealer or human. No,
Monthly Archives:: October 2024
16 Days to NaNoWriMo!

What is NaNoWriMo or (NaNo for short) you say? It’s National Novel Writing Month. If you have a novel idea that’s been rattling around in your head for a while, participate in NaNoWriMo! Write 1,667 words a day for 30 days in November, and you’ll have 50,000 words—the average length of a novel. It doesn’t
Welcome to Spooky Season

Spider webs stroke mein the expanding darknessof morning dog walks.– Rananda Rich September has ended and taken the last vestiges of summer with it. Now it’s time for warm apple cider, doughnuts, and hay rides. Perhaps you are in the mood to visit a haunted house. However you prefer to enjoy the cooling weather, the