The end is in sight. The Winter 2021 semester is coming to a close. We are a week or so away from completing our final exams and turning in our final projects and essays. The work load is piling up, and we have limited time to pull it all together. Between managing our university lives
Posts Categorized: Stress Relief
Debunking Your Writing Center Fears
Hey writers! My name is Cecilia and I’m a tutor at the M.E.W. Writing Center. Have you ever felt unsure to ask for help on a writing assignment? I know I have. To gain a better perspective about UM-Flint writers’ potential concerns, I asked a few of our tutors to share some of their initial
Advisory Warning: Creative Writing
This semester, I did something crazy: I signed up for a creative writing class, on purpose. The reason this is insane is because while I do some creative writing, I, like many writers, do not want to share it. My creative writing is personal more often than not and it can be tough to
Redefining “Writers Block”
Here is the thing about writers block: it is not real. It does not exist. When you give such a term power, then it can take hold, intimidate and cause hesitation through fear. Think about dreams, the way our mind must sleep in order to process, think about how our bodies and minds need to
Pick Your Books Back Up!
In today’s day and age, it seems like we humans are so distracted by technology and the entertainment that comes along with it that we’re reading and writing less. I love to read and write, but I have recently found myself being entertained in my free time by binge-watching new episodes (or whole seasons) of
Writers, Welcome to a New Semester!
College students are writers. No matter our major, papers are required even though we might not consider ourselves writers. We often think that “real” writers don’t struggle coming up with ideas, drafting or revising. Real writers have inspiration to lead and sustain them through paper after paper. In order to encourage each other this semester,
Know Thy Self: altering your writing process so you can get the job done
By the time I got to my senior year in college, I was so sick of learning about the writing process. Pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, proofreading. All right, all right, I get it. Do we really need to go over this again? One thing that we have to pick up from all this repetition is
Writing as Therapy
Life is not easy; not that I really have to tell any of you that. Things aren’t always good and sometimes we have to avoid them to keep ourselves safe. In the event that things get out of control, it becomes categorized as an interference on life and sometimes a mental illness. Treatments often include
Purposeful Statement
Sometimes, getting started is the worst part of writing. I always tell writers I work with to first figure out what you are going to say and then worry about how you are going to write it. Sounds simple enough. But, what if you have no idea of what you want to say? Often, I
Musings of a Hypergraphic
English was my first passion. Ever since elementary school, I have loved to read and write. Even now I still love the sounds and flow of words, the complexity of their interactions, and the power they hold to persuade readers, stimulate imaginations, and weave beauty from thin air. For me writing has always been more