Serving students and faculty since 1971

In Conclusion…

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Two years. That’s how long I’ve been a writing tutor at the Marian E. Wright Writing Center (M.E.W.). And yet, like all good things, my time at the Writing Center must come to an end. Today is my last day working at M.E.W. and I wanted to commemorate my time here by reflecting on conclusions.

Thesis Statements

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By: Laura Griglak Everyone knows that thesis statements are important. They set up your main argument and offer a guide for readers to refer back to. And yet, constructing an effective thesis statement is a lot like herding cats. One second the wily devil is within your grasp, and the next, it is lost in

Where has the time gone?

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By: Laura Griglak Being an adult is hard. As an adult in college, you are expected to manage a growing army of responsibilities. These include, but are certainly not limited to: living on your own (often for the first time), paying bills (what’s that about?), and, let’s not forget, mountains of homework (fun fun). And