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What is NaNoWriMo or (NaNo for short) you say? It’s National Novel Writing Month. If you have a novel idea that’s been rattling around in your head for a while, participate in NaNoWriMo! Write 1,667 words a day for 30 days in November, and you’ll have 50,000 words—the average length of a novel. It doesn’t have to be perfect or even publishable by the end. It’s about getting words down on the page and engaging in a daily writing practice.

It’s also lots of fun! NaNoWriMo’s website offers all kinds of great tips, tools, and contests to keep you going. You can even start a writing support group to keep you and your writing friends motivated. I’ve participated in NaNoWriMo for several years, but two years ago I made it to 50,000 words! It was a hoot to see all the bells and whistles go off when I reached that mile marker. I don’t always make it to the finish line, but I’ve enjoyed trying. I also generated some great material to work with for a novel I’ve been wanting to finish. As I said, it doesn’t have to be perfect or pretty, it’s about getting words down on the page, whatever the words are. Writing is about showing up to the page. Inspiration isn’t a reliable partner, but your computer, chair, and your writing friends are. Join NaNo and get your story ideas going! Check it out for yourself: