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Do you have those teachers who encourage you to write each day? Do you not really know how to in a fun way? Once, I heard that an individual needs to write 1,200-words a day if they want to practice their voice in their writing. But, truth is, we are students. Some of us have jobs, some have families, some are in clubs, some are volunteers. Do we really have time to write 1,200-words every single day? Probably not. Therefore, I have a preposition for you.

A few years ago, I took an Introduction to Creative Writing class, and when the professor told us on the first day that we would be writing 1,500-words-a-week in addition to our regular coursework, I was dreading the course already, but then she told us that the 1,500-words-a-week would be divided up into 5-days, which would be only 300-words a day. In a busy day of a college student, like each one of us, that is a feasible goal, and better yet, if you have a real busy day, that day can always be one of your two days when you do not write anything.

So, now, the question is, what do you write about?

That professor who started me on this 300-word-a-day journey told us that we could write about anything. We could write about our day, our life, whatever was on our minds. For me, even though writing is an outlet and what my major is, finding the time to sit down and free-write is a chore. To this day, I still do not find the time, but writing this blog, and challenging you, I am going to challenge myself to write 300-words, 5 days a week.

So, this is me, ending on my 300th beautiful, intellectual word (excluding my title!).