Graduate Programs

Blogs from students, faculty & staff

Graduate School Success: Insights from Nurse Anesthetist Grant Voisinet

Posted by & filed under Nurse Anesthesia, Podcast.

Grant Voisnet

Embarking on a journey through graduate school is transformative. For many students, it’s a leap that demands resilience, curiosity, and unwavering determination. In this week’s episode of Victors in Grad School we sat down with Grant Voisinet, a graduate of the Doctorate of Nurse Anesthesia Practice (DNAP) program at the University of Michigan Flint, to

Faculty Spotlight: Christina Snider

Posted by & filed under Medicine, Nursing.

It’s still technically the start of the New Year…why not bring a new Faculty Spotlight with it? Today we’re highlighting one of our fantastic faculty members, Christina Snider! Christina teaches Pediatrics and Primary care in our Master of Science in Nursing and Doctorate of Nursing Practice programs. Christina is a skilled faculty member who works

Graduate Student Spotlight: Molly Cope

Posted by & filed under Higher Education, Nursing.

Welcome back to another Graduate Student Spotlight! Today’s spotlight is on Molly Cope, who is studying for her Master of Science in Nursing as a Family Nurse Practitioner! Molly is a dedicated student, having studied Psychology and Nursing in her undergraduate education. She started her undergrad at Miami University for Psychology, following it with Nursing

Faculty Spotlight: Professor Alexis Skuras

Posted by & filed under Graduate School - general, Higher Education, Nursing.

Everyone settled in for the semester? We have another faculty spotlight today! Today’s spotlight is on Professor Alexis Skuras of the School of Nursing!  Professor Skuras teaches Pathophysiology, Fundamentals of Nursing, and Medical/Surgical I for undergraduate BSN students. Professor Skuras, when not teaching, has also been working on research to support public health. Her manuscript,

Faculty Spotlight- Hiba Wehbe-Alamah

Posted by & filed under Nursing.

It’s a new school year, which means it’s time for a new round of graduate blogs! The time has come again to highlight some of our fantastic faculty members– if you’re a new graduate student, this is your chance to get to know more about them! We’re starting off today with Professor Hiba Wehbe-Alamah of

Graduating Student Spotlight – Stephanie Basham

Posted by & filed under Graduate School - general, Higher Education, Medicine, Nursing.

Welcome back to our Graduating Student Spotlight! Today, we’re congratulating Doctor of Nurse Anesthesia student, Stephanie Basham! We here in the Office of Graduate Programs salute your hard work and effort, and we hope that you have a great time wherever you go next! Congratulations! Here’s what Stephanie had to say about her graduate experience:

Graduating Student Spotlight – Chezlynn Chinavare

Posted by & filed under Graduate School - general, Higher Education, Nursing.

It’s time once again to say goodbye to, and send our well wishes to another graduating student! This week, we’re highlighting Master of Science in Nursing student, Chezlynn Chinavare! Thank you for studying with us, Chezlynn, and we hope that your next steps will be full of opportunities! Congratulations on graduating soon — here’s a