Registering for Classes
It’s that time of year again and registration is open, now what?
First Things First
Before registering for classes, the first step is to contact BOTH of your academic advisers. This means stopping in the AACC to speak with your general adviser and then popping into your department to see your faculty adviser. It is important to see both of your advisers to be sure that you are taking classes that are going to fulfill all of your GenEd requirements and go toward your degree. You want every class to count so take a few moments to plan things out!
Now I’m Ready!
Now that you know what courses you want to take you have a couple of options, both beginning with SIS. Let’s say that your adviser recommended courses on a more general level, “take a Fine Arts course” or “English 111”, you’re going to have to search for the classes.On the other hand, you might leave with the exact courses like “SOC 100, sec 1, CRN 12345” which is a completely different matter.
After logging into SIS, go to the “Student Services” tab then click “Registration” then “Look Up Classes to Add”. Now we have several different options.
Finding a class based on attribute
This is probably the most general way to search for a class. After you are in “Look Up Classes to Add” select the upcoming term, then choose “Advanced Search” at the bottom of the following screen. We’re going to search for that “Fine Arts” course, so we’re going to highlight ALL of the majors under the “Subject” box then scroll down to “Attribute Type” in this box select “Fine Arts” then click “Section Search”. This will generate all of the courses offered that count as Fine Arts credit.
Finding a course based on subject
Now we’re going to search for that “English 111” class. Since we already know the subject and the course, but not the section we are going to begin on the first “Look Up Classes to Add” screen. Now, we’ll choose the subject in the dropdown menu, in this case “English” and click “Course Search” at the bottom of the screen. Now we are presented with a list of all the English courses being offered this term, this is also useful if you are planning on taking a course in a particular subject but are just wondering what is being offered. Since we know that we want ENG 111, we are going to scroll down to “111 College Rhetoric” and click “view sections” to the right. Now we can see all of the available sections and we can choose which one fits our schedule best, check the box on the left and click “register” at the bottom.
My adviser gave me lots of numbers! What do I do?
It might look confusing on paper, but this is actually the fastest way to register for classes. Instead of going to “Look Up Classes to Add” go directly from “Registration” to “Add/Drop Classes”. At the bottom of this screen you will see “CRNs” and beneath that a row of empty boxes. Simply type in the 5 digit CRNs that your adviser listed next to your courses in each of the boxes and click “Submit Changes” at the bottom and voila! you’re registered and good to go!