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Want an internship? Scholarship? Fellowship?

Sometimes searching for opportunities relevant to you can seem like – well, a job. As a college student, though, NOW is the best time to search!

Maybe you already have a summer job or other opportunity.

If not … or if you are searching for future opportunities..

Do you know where to look?!?

Here are some websites to get you started:

Intern in Michigan



These websites are managed by people who have had experience with similar opportunities. ProFellow, in particular, is run by former recipients of prestigious fellowships, including the Fulbright. Thousands of opportunities are available on these sites. Apply today!

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Do you want FREE registration to attend the Out for Work conference?

One month ago, the Student Success Center entered our photo in a contest to win free group registration for the Out for Work conference in Washington, D.C. September 26-28.


If YOU want to participate in the conference, contact academic advisor/career counselor Samantha MacFarland at [email protected] for more details.

For more information about the Out for Work Conference, a national gathering of about 400 attendees and multiple sessions that will celebrate 10 years of Out for Work, click here!

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Peer Orientation Leaders – just one of the Student Success Center’s services!

We offer orientation for:

  • New students
  • Transfer students
  • Dual-enrolled students (including DEEP and Genesee Early College)
  • Mott 2 UMFlint students
  • Veteran students

Orientation is facilitated by extensively trained peer orientation leaders. Yes, that’s right – you can ask questions of people who are going to school here at UM-Flint, just like you! Some are freshmen and some are near graduation, with everything in between.

One orientation leader says:

I wish I had known I could refer friends who needed help to free counseling services on campus.

Another says:

I wish I had known how to balance academics and extracurricular activities.

What do you wish you had asked before you went to college?

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Do you know what to do for Financial Aid?

Financial aid can be a somewhat tricky process, but thankfully, there are some great people in the Financial Aid office ready to help you out!

Office hours are M-TH 8 – 5:30 P.M. and Friday 8 – 5 P.M.

Also, you can still apply for Spring/Summer financial aid, & the graduate student application for financial aid is open until 11:59 P.M. Sunday, June 1!


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Did you know that the Student Success Center is Out for Work GOLD certified?

Also, the Student Success Center is trying to become Platinum certified AND win free registration to the Out for Work conference in Washington D.C. from September 26-28!

YOU can become a part of this process by applying for a Fran Frazier travel scholarship by tomorrow, April 24! You will need a short essay describing how the conference will contribute to your education, as well as a budget, and your advisor’s signature.

Apply for a Fran Frazier travel scholarship NOW!!!

Find out more about the Out for Work conference, scholarship guidelines, and travel expense guidelines.


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The deadline to apply for Fran Frazier is TOMORROW Apr. 24!

The Out for Work conference is September 26-28 in Washington D.C. If you think you might like to attend, apply for a Fran Frazier travel scholarship NOW!!!

The deadline is TOMORROW, Thursday April 24 in order to receive your funds to attend in September!

Find out more about the Out for Work conference, scholarship guidelines, and travel expense guidelines.


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Out for Work conference is coming up – apply for the Fran Frazier!

The Out for Work conference is September 26-28 in Washington D.C. If you think you might like to attend, apply for a Fran Frazier travel scholarship NOW!!!

The deadline is April 24 in order to receive your funds to attend in September!

Find out more about the Out for Work conference, scholarship guidelines, and travel expense guidelines.


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Don’t miss Tutorama!

An annual event.

FREE tutoring Tuesday, April 22. In the Tutoring lounge (just outside of the Student Success Center-Academic Advising/Career Services/Orientation/Tutoring). Second floor UPAV.

Get the help you need in addition to free pizza and pop! Professionally trained peer tutors will offer assistance, reduce tension in your life and help you become a better student.

Dr. Michael Kassel, Ph.D. is the Tutorial Coordinator for the Student Success Center and will be available to answer your questions, too!

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Know before you go!

Why should you attend the Winter 2014 Career Fair, tomorrow, Wednesday, April 16 from 12-3 PM?

How do you impress recruiters?

Find out here in this SHORT video from Career Spots, 7 Tips for Researching Companies!


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