How do I Change My Major?

Most of us change our major at least once before we graduate, but how exactly do I make it official?

Changing your major in SIS

There are two routes you can take when changing your major in the system. The first is through your SIS account. Start by going to the “Student Services” tab and then click on “Student Records.” Once this menu opens click on “Change of Curriculum (Degree, Major, Minor and Catalog).” You will then be prompted to declare whether or not your current degree information (which will be shown at this time) is correct. If you intend to change your major, add a second major, add a minor etc. click “NO”. You will then be redirected to a menu where you can fill in your new information. Be sure to put in the catalog year that you are following and the year that you entered the university before submitting. Once you are done the change will not take effect immediately as it has to go through the office of Registrar, but usually shows up within a week.

Changing your major through Registrar

The other route that you can take is to go through the office of Registrar’s website. Open the link for “Change of Curriculum (Degree, Major, Minor and Catalog)” and you will be redirected to a form in which you can input your old and new information.