How Close am I to Graduating?

I want to know what classes I’ve taken and which ones I still need to take to graduate, how can I find this?

The Degree Evaluation: Your Best Friend

The simplest and most efficient way to quickly see what classes you’ve already taken, what requirements you’ve already fulfilled AND what classes and requirements you still need can be found in your degree evaluation. You can find this nifty tool in your SIS account. Once you are logged in, simply go to the “Student Services” tab; after opening this menu, click on “Student Records” then “Degree Evaluation.”

The system will then prompt you to verify which term you would like the evaluation for and will auto generate the current term. Leave this how it is and click “Submit.” SIS will then show you your current curriculum information, beneath this information you will see in blue, “Generate New Evaluation,” click this.

Next you will be prompted to verify your majors and minors, your current Banner registered major/minor will appear with a circle next to it. Be sure to click the circle before finalizing the evaluation by clicking “Generate Request.” The actual generation of the degree evaluation can take a few minutes, especially if you have a lot of credits under your belt so don’t get discouraged if it takes a while.

Once your evaluation comes up you will be able to see how many credits you have completed total, what requirements you have yet to complete (organized by subject: Major, Minor, Gen Ed, etc.) and what requirements you already have fulfilled. This tool is fantastic for planning out classes and for trying to calculate when you will graduate.