Category Archives: Events

Hagerman Center Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2024

From June 18th to 20th, the School of Management’s Hagerman Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation hosted the Summer Entrepreneurship Institute, welcoming 22 incoming junior and senior high school students from Genesee County, Oakland County, Macomb County, and even from as far as Florida and New Jersey.

The program began with an introduction to entrepreneurship and idea generation, led by School of Management faculty members Brian Blume and Mark Simon, alongside alumnus Raymond Kusch. As part of their hands-on learning experience, the students visited the Farmers Market to observe entrepreneurship in action and enjoy lunch from various vendors.

On Wednesday, the participants visited 100K Ideas, where they explored the Shops on Saginaw and listened to Phil Hagerman, an entrepreneur, philanthropist, pharmacist, and CEO. Mr. Hagerman, a significant benefactor of the School of Management since his generous donation in 2015, continues to support the institution while managing multiple ventures such as Forum Health and SkyPoint Ventures.

Brian Blume, newly appointed Director of the Hagerman Center and David M. French Professor of Organizational Behavior & HR Management stated, “During our visit to the 100K Ideas incubator in downtown Flint, we were inspired by businessman Phil Hagerman’s insights. This visit is an example of the profound impact the local business community can have in shaping the experiences of students and fostering a culture of innovation. We also were able to visit the Flint Farmers market, where the students purchased lunch from many local entrepreneurs.”

Throughout the program, students collaborated to develop new venture ideas. Thursday’s agenda began with a guest lecture from Dan Command, widely known as Dan C. Bearded on social media. Command, a content creator specializing in beard care, shared insights on thriving in a niche market using social media. 

The students also had the opportunity to network with seasoned entrepreneurs during a luncheon. Esteemed speakers included UM-Flint alumna Adrian Montague and James Shuttleworth, co-founders of Flint Soup; Perci Whitmore, UM-Flint alumnus and founder of Share the Keys; Tom Nardone, president of PriveCo and CEO of Dignity Lifts; Theo Ellis, UM-Flint alumnus and founder of ProSound Media; and Adeola Osunlowo, UM-Flint alumnus and CEO of Wombman Unspoken. Blume also mentioned “We appreciate the active participation of our alumni in our network luncheon, where nearly all speakers were distinguished University of Michigan, Flint graduates. This underscores the vital role that alumni and community engagement play in the success of our educational mission.” These interactions provided the students with invaluable advice and feedback on their ideas.

The program culminated with student presentations, where each group delivered an elevator pitch and detailed their venture’s competitive landscape, target market, financial viability, and marketing strategy, including logo and slogan development. The creativity and cohesiveness of their proposals were remarkable, especially given the three-day timeframe.

This cohort of enthusiastic students demonstrated a keen interest in entrepreneurship and innovation. Mark Simon, former Director of the Hagerman Center and Hagerman Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation said “I was so impressed by the quality and the creativity the ideas the students developed. But it was more than just the ideas, they designed logos, came up with slogans, figured out marketing campaigns, and even developed financials!  It was remarkable what they accomplished in less than three days. They should be so proud.” Their impressive presentations and collaboration underscored the program’s success in fostering the next generation of entrepreneurs. 

Written by: Anna Church

SOM Winter Rewind

The School of Management has made tons of memories this winter semester so let’s take the time to look back at them!

The beginning of the winter semester began and our students took off studying. But SOM made it our mission to give students opportunities to further their careers, learn from alumni, and KICK BACK! 

Our Alumni Liaison, Anna Swartz, planned three Alumni Career Panels for students to attend. These panels gave students an inside look at careers they could have after graduating. The students were able to ask questions and learn from professionals. 

We also hosted a career fair for SOM students and one open to many different majors. We had over 70 students attend both Career Fairs and seize the opportunity to gain job experience. Our fairs are for the students to take what they are learning in the classroom and apply it in a real job. Gaining networking opportunities and giving our students proper training to go out and find a job after their time here is done are just more benefits of attending these fairs! 

But once a WOLVERINE always a WOLVERINE! SOM ensured this by hosting an Alumni Social Hour event for St. Patrick’s Day. A night was filled with food and laughter as alumni, staff and current students met together. These events allow our alumni to see old professors and staff that helped them along their journey here. It’s events like these that allow SOM graduates to remember that Wolverines from Flint are Wolverines forever. And this extended into the university’s annual….. 

GIVING BLUEDAY! Giving Blueday was on March 15th when the University called upon alumni, students, and our community to support our students and their education. SOM had two pages, one for our Excellence Fund and another for our Entrepreneurship Society. The Excellence Fund received over 9,000 dollars in donations and was met by a match from Steve Whitener and the Entrepreneurship Society received over 6,000 dollars in donations. 

After all the excitement, we allowed the students to KICKBACK with our KICKBACK with SOM event. The event was filled with snacks, music, prizes, and trivia. Between studying for finals and getting ready for summer students came to the event to relax and have some laughs before exams. 

SOM holds many different events during all semesters. This was just a small REWIND but our most significant event is just around the corner. Our CAREER SUMMIT is June 23rd, 2023, and will be an event you don’t want to miss!


Alumni Visit – Jan. 26, 2019

Ziad Lajnef visited the School of Management to talk about his experiences working in the internal audits industry. He graduated from UM-Flint in 2002 with a BBA in Accounting with a Finance concentration. Shortly after, Lajnef went on to complete his MBA in 2003. During his undergrad at UM-Flint, he participated in a study abroad trip to Russia and visited the GM plant in Togliatti and the GM headquarters in Moscow. He is currently the Internal Audit Director for General Motors and oversees annual risk assessment and execution of the audit plan for North and South America. Lajef opened his presentation by giving advice to current students by encouraging them to reach out to their professor for their guidance. Lajnef said “Students at UM-Flint have a unique advantage. At a bigger school, you don’t have as much contact with your professors. Here you have direct access to ask professor about whatever you want. Use them to guide you for what you want to do in the future. Use their experience to your advantage to get the most out of your education.”

In his presentation, The Foundational Pillars for Establishing Trust with Internal Audit Customers, Lajnef elaborated on three principles of internal audits. First was to deeply consider strategies to use. Second principle is to think about the talent and diversity of the team. Lastly focused on the outlook on short-term and long-term for tactical planning and processing. Later in his presentation, Lajnef spoke about the importance of analyzing data and knowing the market you are in. His advice was to, “Become date savvy. The more you’re involved and knowledgeable in the market, the better off you’ll be.”

If you’re interested in learning more about Lajnef’s past experiences as a chef or his journey into the business world, he was featured in the fall 2018 SOM Business Magazine as the alumni spotlight! Click the link and go to page 9 to read more:

If you’re interested in being an alumni speaker or volunteering for our upcoming events, please email Anna Swartz at [email protected] to find how you can give back to the UM-Flint community!

The 2016 Economic Forum


The 2016 Economic Forum was hosted by The Rotary Club of Flint & the University of Michigan-Flint School of Management on December 9th, 2016. The event took place in the Northbank Ballroom in Downtown Flint, Michigan.


Steve Chenenko, MBA
Chief Risk Officer, Nationwide Bank

Yener Kandogan, Ph.D
Associate Dean & Professor of International Business, UM-Flint School of Management

Christopher Douglas, Ph.D
Associate Professor & Department Chair, UM-Flint Department of Economics


Lunch with an Entrepreneur featuring Steve Whitener

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Steve Whitener, University of Michigan-Flint Alumni and entrepreneur, spoke to students on Dec. 1 about the importance of entrepreneurship.


More about Steve Whitener 

Started Real Estate Company as a UM-Flint Student
In 1973, while attending UM-Flint, Mr. Whitener purchased an apartment building. Upon graduating in 1977, he went on to acquire several additional rental properties. While managing several real estate holdings, he led a highly successful career in sales. This led to Mr. Whitener founding National Systems Installers.

Became a Technology Entrepreneur
In 1993, he founded National Systems Installers (NSI), a company that provides infrastructure cabling services to corporations. Six years later, he formed Nuspire Networks, which designs and offers monitoring and security systems. His business works with Fortune 500 companies and has 300-plus retail operations. He is Chairman of the Board for NSI and is a former Chairman of Nuspire, a multimillion dollar company he recently sold.

UM-Flint SEI Summer Camp Students Explore Entrepreneurship

The Hagerman Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation held its Summer Entrepreneurship Institute camp for the first time on July 12-14.

High school juniors and seniors spent three days learning about multiple aspects of entrepreneurship, business, and marketing. The camp aims to help high school students understand entrepreneurship and the excitement surrounding new ventures that can solve real problems.

Professor Amy Gresock, Assistant Professor of Management, said she hopes to challenge the students to think about entrepreneurship in a multi-faceted way.

“Opportunities are everywhere. It wasn’t just sitting in a classroom with the students. We were in the Flint community. We were on campus and we challenged them to look for opportunities,” said Gresock. “In some of the exercises we did, they came up with some really good ideas that played off of opportunities that they saw in the external environment. Their problems don’t have to be something really grandiose. It can just be solving a problem that they see in everyday life.”



Professor Greg Laurence teaches summer camp students about the basics of Entrepreneurship.

Professor Greg Laurence teaches summer camp students about the basics of Entrepreneurship.



Students spent time with School of Management Professors Amy Gresock and Greg Laurence inside the classroom and in the community working to develop their entrepreneurial venture. During day one, students toured the UM-Flint campus looking for opportunities and quickly found that Flint has a lot of prospects for entrepreneurs.

Sean Mason, a high school junior from Davison, said he appreciated the implementation of lessons learned during the Summer Entrepreneurship Institute.

“I liked that it was hands on. I didn’t know exactly what to expect coming into it but I liked that after we learned something, we got to try it out,” said Mason.


Sean Mason asks a question during a skype interview with Chris Trejbal.

Sean Mason asks a question during a Skype interview with Chris Trejbal.


The camp aimed to encourage entrepreneurial thinking by engaging students with course materials, community experiences, and a field trip to Skypoint Ventures in downtown Flint on the second day of the camp.

Interim Director of Hagerman Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation and camp organizer, Professor Brian Blume, said he believes the Summer Entrepreneurship Institute was an engaging experience for the high school students.

“The camp was effective in introducing students to entrepreneurship and helping to develop an entrepreneurial mindset,” said Blume. “We, also, were able to show students how downtown Flint is being transformed to support and encourage entrepreneurial ventures, as well as introduce the strong entrepreneurship program at the UM-Flint School of Management.”


Summer camp students tour Skypoint Ventures. Bryce Moe, Managing Director of Skypoint Ventures, shows students a portion of the Dryden building that is under renovations.

Summer camp students tour Skypoint Ventures. Bryce Moe, Managing Director of Skypoint Ventures, shows students a portion of the Dryden building that is under renovations.


On day three, the students wrapped up their work and learning by presenting their feasibility analysis projects to fellow students and their parents. Mason said he believes he gained a lot out of the camp experience.

“Before this camp I had a rudimentary understanding of business and certain opportunities. I learned about how to find your niche, how do you look at an opportunity and seize it and use the correct branding and marketing to really succeed and advance your cause,” said Mason.

The School of Management will be hosting another summer camp next year for high schoolers. Blume said he hopes to see more student participants in the future. He also has a piece of advice for other young entrepreneurs who want to get started.

“I suggest exploring these entrepreneurial interests early on. I encourage you to become involved with a business venture or to start a business, even if it’s a part-time business. Also, be sure to watch the TV show Shark Tank.”

Entertainment Entrepreneurs Win UM-Flint Business Plan Competition

Vino Raj wants to bring entertainment to “a new level” in downtown Flint.  And thanks to University of Michigan-Flint, his aspirations are closer to reality.

The UM-Flint graduate student is working with two business partners on a venture that would merge “different forms of entertainment, such as live action role-playing, puzzles, treasure hunts, and interactive team work.”

Read the full article HERE.