Graduate Programs

Blogs from students, faculty & staff

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Welcome back to another week of the Graduating Student Spotlight! Today’s graduate is Emily Kim Leonard of our Master of Public Administration Program! Emily studied advertising in her undergraduate degree, but moved on to concentrating on social and public policy in her graduate studies. She has a strong interest in social justice issues, and uses her graduate studies to move forward in her understanding of these ideas. She especially enjoyed PUB 502, Public Sector Management, with Professor Brian Larkin, finding him one of the professors she’s had the most enjoyment working with in her graduate studies. Her favorite area of focus in her classes, relating to her interest in social justice was learning about Disability Law and Policy, an area she finds incredibly interesting. We’re so happy to have been part of Emily’s journey through higher education- congratulations on finishing your studies, Emily! Before she heads off on the next section of her journey, we asked her the usual questions:

What’s been your overall favorite experience in your program?

Learning about disability, environmental, and criminal law and policy. I am interested in policy that uplifts low-income communities of color, that have been underserved and disinvested.

Where do you like to study best?

Coffee shops- they’re great places to concentrate!

Any advice for students considering grad school?

Go for it! Make choices now your future self will thank you for and continue to be a student in the school of life, expanding your knowledge and conscious. It just takes one to make a positive impact, and pursuing a degree in this program will set you up for future professional and personal success.