Graduate Programs

Blogs from students, faculty & staff

Graduate School Success: Insights from Nurse Anesthetist Grant Voisinet

Posted by & filed under Nurse Anesthesia, Podcast.

Grant Voisnet

Embarking on a journey through graduate school is transformative. For many students, it’s a leap that demands resilience, curiosity, and unwavering determination. In this week’s episode of Victors in Grad School we sat down with Grant Voisinet, a graduate of the Doctorate of Nurse Anesthesia Practice (DNAP) program at the University of Michigan Flint, to

From Nursing to Academia: Dr. Denise Cooper’s Educational Journey

Posted by & filed under Nursing, Podcast.

Denise Cooper

Navigating graduate school while balancing life, work, and personal aspirations is no easy feat. Yet for Dr. Denise Cooper, Program Director for the Doctorate of Nursing Practitioner (DNP) program at the University of Michigan Flint, it’s a path laden with challenges, rewards, and invaluable lessons. In this week’s Victors in Grad School, Dr. Cooper shared

Graduating Student Spotlight – Stephanie Basham

Posted by & filed under Graduate School - general, Higher Education, Medicine, Nursing.

Welcome back to our Graduating Student Spotlight! Today, we’re congratulating Doctor of Nurse Anesthesia student, Stephanie Basham! We here in the Office of Graduate Programs salute your hard work and effort, and we hope that you have a great time wherever you go next! Congratulations! Here’s what Stephanie had to say about her graduate experience:

Graduate Student Spotlight– Lexi Britt

Posted by & filed under Nursing, PhD.

In today’s Graduate Student Spotlight, we’re highlighting Anesthesia student, Lexi Britt! Lexi is currently studying as part of our Doctorate of Nurse Anesthesia Practice program. Lexi is involved with her cohort, and deeply appreciates the collaborative, supportive environment she’s found with her classmates. She enjoys working with her professors and faculty advisors, and is determined