Everyone settled in for the semester? We have another faculty spotlight today! Today’s spotlight is on Professor Alexis Skuras of the School of Nursing!
Professor Skuras teaches Pathophysiology, Fundamentals of Nursing, and Medical/Surgical I for undergraduate BSN students. Professor Skuras, when not teaching, has also been working on research to support public health. Her manuscript, Increasing COVID-19 Awareness in Rural Communities Through a Multimedia Campaign, was accepted for publication in Clinical Nurse Specialist: The International Journal of Advanced Nursing Practice, to be published in their November/December issue. When she is not working, Professor Skuras loves to spend time with her friends, as well as her rescue dog, Fetty.
To gain some insight on her experiences here at UM-Flint, we asked her a few questions– here’s what she had to say:
What is Your Favorite Part About Teaching at UMF?
My favorite part about University of Michigan-Flint is their commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. As someone who is passionate about equality, I am driven to advocate for accessible and inclusive learning environments that empower every student to reach their full potential. The University of Michigan-Flint supports this by creating a sense of belonging for students from all walks of life.
What is Your Favorite Memory from Teaching?
One of my favorite teaching memories happened during a clinical rotation, when my student and I were able to provide comfort to a patient as he passed away. This memory holds immense significance for me because it underscored the essence of nursing—being a steadfast presence during life’s most vulnerable moments. As a nurse, losing a patient is extremely hard. I was grateful to be a part of the student’s learning experience and provide support to her during the first difficult moment of her career.