Graduate Programs

Blogs from students, faculty & staff

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This December, we’re going to do something different for our Graduate Student Spotlight! Instead, it will be the return of the Graduating Student Spotlight! All December, we’ll be highlighting graduate students that will be finishing up with their degrees and graduating. We’re starting today’s Graduating Student Spotlight with Master of Leadership and Organizational Dynamics student, Shannda Markee!

Shannda studied for a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration before moving on to her master’s program here at UM-Flint. She’s very enthusiastic about her studies in business and business related fields, finding economics particularly interesting! She enjoys her coursework, having worked hard on her Negotiation Self-Reflection Essay, one of her favorite assignments in her program. Her favorite class was International Business 580. We asked her some questions, and here’s what she had to say:

What’s been your overall favorite experience in your program?

I have really enjoyed the team building exercises covered in our Saturday morning residencies.

Where do you like to study best?

I always like to find a nice, quiet place to study. It’s the best for concentrating!

Any advice for students considering grad school?

Do it! You won’t regret it!