Graduate Programs

Blogs from students, faculty & staff

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Today, for our weekly spotlight, we’re looking at Occupational Therapy student, Laura Willard! Laura is in her third year of her doctorate studies, and is happy to learn something new everyday! She has been interested in Occupational Therapy for some time, and loves the ability her program provides her with to learn from experienced mentors in the field. She is happy to work with like-minded classmates in her cohort, and is excited for all of the opportunities to help people her program provides her with. She is ambitious and  hard-working,  planning to work with the American Occupational Therapy Association for her final project in the program. Laura looks forward to continuing her studies and collaborating with her cohort in the future as colleagues! We’re always happy to hear about the ambitions of our students— we asked Laura our usual questions, and here’s what she had to say:

What’s Your Favorite Part of Your Graduate Program?

The ability to get involved with research and be with people who love Occupational Therapy like I do! The program has given me a chance to find great mentors in OT. I l also had the opportunity to work the Michigan Occupational Therapy Association conference last year, which was a great learning and networking experience. The program has also given me the ability to work with the American Occupational Therapy Association for my capstone project next summer. 

What’s Your Favorite Part of Campus?

It’s tied for French Hall 2nd Floor Study Areas or Murchie Science Building Study Rooms.

Any Advice for Other Graduate Students?

Utilize as many resources as you can (Thompson Library, CAPS, open labs, advisors, etc.)