Mini Vacation

A break from school – finally!  I won’t tell you how long I’ve been counting down the days until this break arrives (maybe since early October…). As we get ready for this brief vacation, what kinds of things will you be doing?

Turkey Day

Thanksgiving always makes me think of tradition. There are usually more than 10 of us who gather for Thanksgiving and some of the most amazing food. Euchre is a must (that’s a card game that everyone should learn to play if you don’t already know how!). Watching the Thanksgiving parade is just as important, and rounding out the list is hanging out with family and relaxing. I enjoy spending the time with everyone and lazing around for those 5 days of absolute nothingness.

Black Friday

How will you spend Friday, November 29? Is it another day for you to sleep in, or will you be fighting with the best of them as early as 6PM Thursday evening? I’ve never been one to do any of the 3AM, 4AM, or 5AM rushes on Friday morning, and I spend my Thursday evening in a food-induced daze after all of the turkey and pie. I’ve just never been that much of a die-hard for any of the deals that come out at every store imaginable, although I do nod to anyone thinking about camping out in front of their favorite stores after dinner on Thursday.

I hope that everyone enjoys their holiday break and gets some well-deserved rest!  The countdown to Fall 2013 final exams is approaching, so be sure to get your Zzs in now and check out the final exam schedule before coming back on December 2 ready to kick butt and take names for the final 2 weeks of classes!