Why Aren't Student Faculty Evaluations Public?

Our Student Government is working for a strong semester to bring students a voice, build stronger student life, and provide tools for clubs and organizations to thrive. I am Stephen Miller, a Student Government Senator, and I will be blogging for  the Students@UM-Flint student blog. As a Senator, I would like to give updates on activities Student Government is involved in. There are several efforts we are pushing right now.

Publicizing Student Faculty Evaluations and Syllabi

Making Student Faculty Evaluations and Syllabi public has been an ongoing effort for the past few years. This is an opportunity to provide students with more information for which they can use to plan what classes to take and to know which professors are more geared toward their learning style. Student Government has been working with the university faculty to continue this effort but several unresolved concerns have created road blocks. While it may be beneficial to the students, the faculty may have issues with the possibility of extreme comments in evaluations being public. These comments often times don’t accurately attest to the performance of the professor because they are views not held by the majority. Moving forward, I personally am on the hunt to find a suitable compromise that would give students information like a professor’s teaching style, and faculty an easier time teaching to students that learn best how they teach best. Making Syllabi public, however, looks to be a much less controversial issue that could help students when choosing classes. Soon we hope to make a dent in this effort to help make the University of Michigan-Flint a stronger campus. Read more about this topic.

Check out Ratemyprofessors.com for detailed information about professors.Check out Ratemyprofessors.com for detailed information about professors.

Touch-a-Truck is this Saturday

After such a successful Touch-a-Truck event last year, the Department of Public Safety and Student Government are hosting it again this Saturday, Sept. 28th from 11:00am to 3:00pm. I will be going to mingle with community members and have some fun. Over 25 specialty vehicles will be on display, including a survival flight helicopter. Anyone is welcome to come and enjoy free food, bounce houses, child ID kits, and face painting. The north parking lot of the UM-Flint campus at Saginaw Street and Fifth Avenue will be the place to be to hangout with students, Flint community members, and families in the Genesee county area. I am excited to watch this annual event continue building our university stronger as well as the entire community around us.
Join the Facebook Event!

How can I help?

Any student with concerns/thoughts about the university, please contact me and make your Student Government aware! My contact information will be presented below. Student Government has public meetings every Wednesday at 6pm in the UCEN 1st floor on most weeks this semester, and we would love for you to visit. Be on the watch for more going on through Student Government. I challenge you this week to take a step outside your comfort zone. Remember why we are here at the University of Michigan-Flint. Push your boundaries and help make the world a better place.

CHALLENGE: Take a step outside your comfort zone this week. One step could change your life! #ConcernedStudent

Tweet #ConcernedStudent

Contact Information
Stephen Miller  –   (810) 394-9299   –   [email protected]