2010 Research Partnership Program

From Stephen R. Forest, Vice President for Research and Janet Weiss, Dean and Vice Provost of  the Rackham School of Graduate Studies:

We are pleased to announce the 2010 Research Partnership Program, which includes the following funding opportunities available to faculty and graduate students:

This year we announce a significant expansion of the Spring/Summer Research Grants Program. We will award up to 100 grants to faculty members who plan to work with Ph.D. students on scholarly projects during the spring and summer terms. These grants provide a stipend of $6,000 to the doctoral student. The grants support faculty scholarship while also providing financial support opportunities for professional and intellectual development for participating students. Preference is given to faculty members who include a thoughtful plan for student mentoring in their applications. For the summer of 2010, the stipend for students will be $6,000. Additional information is available at http://www.rackham.umich.edu/rhd.php?id=39.

The Distinguished Faculty and Graduate Student Seminars Program will provide a maximum of 5 awards to groups of faculty, students or graduate programs proposing innovative seminars and colloquia to foster collaboration and stimulate new research. Guidelines and application forms are available at the OVPR website: http://www.drda.umich.edu/funding/um_sources/RPP_Seminars_Guide.html

Please review the materials and websites carefully to note the differing purposes of the two types of awards in order to guide your faculty and students to apply to the most appropriate program for their planned activity. Please make these application materials available to all instructional and research faculty and librarians.

Please note that the application deadline for the two awards is Monday, February 1, 2010.

Stephen R. Forrest
Vice President for Research

Janet A. Weiss
Dean and Vice Provost, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies