Public Health & Health Sciences Blog

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On Tuesday November 11, over 60 participants took place in the Wellness Lunch & Learn presents… Eating Healthy: How to Prevent and Live with Diabetes event in the UCEN Happening’s Room.  This well attended event was sponsored by the University of Michigan-Flint Urban Health & Wellness Center, UM-Flint Recreation Center, MHealthy and HealthPlus, and saw participation numbers increase from last year.

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Participants learned practical tips on eating and living healthier for the whole family, including finding out about resources to manage and help prevent diabetes. “The food was excellent,” one participant said. “A great way to demonstrate how healthy eating can taste good. I learned about portion sizes and how to easily determine high versus low glycemic index foods.”

Those in attendance this year also had the opportunity to have their blood pressure taken, which over 40 people participated in. “I really appreciated having my blood pressure checked today, thank you for this opportunity to learn more about diabetes,” one attendee said after the event.  “I learned quite a bit about hypoglycemia and what is considered pre-diabetic.”

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