Public Health & Health Sciences Blog

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Four PHHS faculty will present research studies at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association (APHA) this November in Boston.

APHA’s acceptance of our faculty’s work speaks to the high quality of their research.  APHA is the world’s oldest and most diverse organization of public health professionals. More than 13,000 public health professionals attend the organization’s annual meeting (

Here is a listing of our faculty’s APHA articles, by author. Click the links to read the article abstracts!

Dr. Vicki Johnson-LawrenceAn examination of the associations among neighborhood racial composition, neighborhood poverty, access to care, perceived discrimination and hypertension treatment: Does your zip code determine your health outcomes?

Does neighborhood poverty modify the association between and depressive symptomatology and allostatic load?

Exposure to air pollution and access to antioxidants: Mapping structural factors in the oxidative stress process in the case of Detroit, Michigan.

Dr. Gergana KodjebachevaRacial and gender differences in the association between depressive symptoms and higher body mass index.

Dr. Lisa LapeyrouseHealth insurance status, health seeking, and mammography among Latinas in the u.s.-Mexico border.

Dr. Rie Suzuki, Mediational effects of access barriers to cancer screenings in women with functional limitations.