Graduate Programs

Blogs from students, faculty & staff

Benefits of Graduate Study in Computer Science at U of M-Flint

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Blog by Tsenguun Tsogbadrakh   I’m an international student who just finished the first year of my master’s degree. There were many factors I considered when choosing this school, but there are some things that I had to experience myself in order to appreciate. While I was researching graduate computer science programs, what our school

Finding a Balance between Life and Grad School

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Blog By Katelyn Harvey Deciding to start a graduate program is a big and often intimidating decision, especially when you have a family to support or need to work to support yourself. However, excelling in a graduate program while maintaining a healthy balance between school, work, and family is possible. I am currently a second-year

Being Involved as a Graduate Student

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Blog By Cody Chapman All throughout my undergraduate years, I was heavily involved in activities on and around campus. Being a part of the university to me meant being more than just a student. I wanted to contribute to the growth and success of the university, other students, and to myself. Being an active member

Masters of English Language and Literature Graduate Program

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by James O’Dea I honestly cannot imagine a better way to enter the summer months. After two semesters of full-time graduate courses in the Masters of English Language and Literature (MAELL) program, I have enjoyed much more than just the relaxed schedule of spring. To start, I was asked to be the new editor-in-chief of

Coincidental Timing

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Blog By Derek Ochodnicky As in most things in life, timing is everything. That has been the story of my life the last two years. I seem to have been in the right place at the right time. That’s how I got into the MBA program, started career and met my girlfriend. I am getting

Graduate Student Internship – UM-Flint MPH program

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Blog By Shirley-Ann Osei Onomah Two years of a program is actually much shorter than you’d like to think. For some, the thought of moving up the corporate ladder with their newly earned qualification is extremely exciting, whereas for the rest of the populace with no idea how or where to proceed, the concluding days

No One is Too Old

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Grad Blog By Angela Repke, MA in English Language & Literature Graduate Student   Making the decision to spring into another grad degree as a stay-at-home-mother in my mid-thirties was a bit daunting. I resigned from teaching high school English to tackle the kids for a couple years, but I needed more. So, before entering

Riverfront Housing Life: Q & A with Hima Mohanty

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by Himanandini Mohanty, MS in Computer Science & Information Systems student. Learn more about Riverfront Housing for graduate students by clicking here.  What drew you to live on campus? I am a graduate student studying computer information systems and am currently residing at Riverfront Residence Hall at UM-Flint. The residence halls are located in the downtown