Graduate Programs

Blogs from students, faculty & staff

Amy Coughlin Talks Personal and Professional Growth in the MA in Literacy Ed Program

Posted by & filed under Graduate School - general, Literacy Education.

When I made a career transition from classroom teacher to literacy interventionist, I wanted to get my reading specialist endorsement, and I was thrilled to learn UM-Flint offered an MA in Literacy Ed program. The program is almost entirely online, so I can teach, parent my 2- and 4-year olds, and fit in the coursework

No One is Too Old

Posted by & filed under Graduate School - general, Literacy Education.

Grad Blog By Angela Repke, MA in English Language & Literature Graduate Student   Making the decision to spring into another grad degree as a stay-at-home-mother in my mid-thirties was a bit daunting. I resigned from teaching high school English to tackle the kids for a couple years, but I needed more. So, before entering

Literacy Education (MA)…why it works

Posted by & filed under Literacy Education.

For Flint resident Gina Morris-Cicalo, getting her young son Rocco to develop a habit of reading was a struggle until he participated in the University of Michigan-Flint Reading Center program. She read to him every night, and his school teachers were helpful. He just didn’t like to read. “I could tell why he didn’t enjoy