Graduate Programs

Blogs from students, faculty & staff

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Welcome back to the faculty spotlight! This week, the focus is on Professor Erin Cavusgil, of the School of Management. Erin teaches Principles of Marketing and has a Ph.D in Marketing and Purchasing, an M.S. in Biomedical Engineering, and a B.Sc.  in Chemical Engineering from our sister campus! She is the recipient of several awards for her teaching and faculty contributions here at UM-Flint, one such award being the 2015-2016 Outstanding Faculty Award for Research. 

Erin finds herself busy with her work often, but she appreciates the hands-on aspects of teaching. One of her favorite things about the job is her ability to get to know her students. Students can often bring new perspectives to a conversation, even for experts like our professors, so she enjoys learning more about and more from them. 

In addition to teaching, she also still works on research projects through the university. Currently, she is working on a research project with a UMF-Alumni studying for a doctoral degree in marketing. Together, the two of them investigate business ethics and implications, and her research has been submitted to the Journal of Business Ethics. As an important part of business as well as marketing, the study of how to observe and improve ethical business practices is key to progress in many areas. 

With her interesting research, her joy to teach and learn, and her many accomplishments, we’re proud to have Erin Cavusgil as part of our staff!