Graduate Programs

Blogs from students, faculty & staff

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Hello again! Today, it’s time for another Graduate Student Spotlight! Today’s student we’re highlighting is Nicole Lasecki! Nicole is currently studying for her Masters of Science in Nursing as a Family Nurse Practitioner. Nicole is enthusiastic about the community the University of Michigan brand brings together, and wants to learn all that she can! She is invested in working collaboratively with her fellow students, and wants to bring the best patient care she can! We asked Nicole our usual questions, and here’s what she had to say:

What’s Your Favorite Part of Your Graduate Program?

Being able to represent and be a part of the U of M Community, Go Blue! The legacy of U of M is so special and to be able to represent that in my work and even out across the country is really special.  

What’s Your Favorite Part of Campus?

Seeing how much pride everyone carries and displays to be able to go to the University of Michigan. 

Any Advice for Other Students?

My advice to other students is to find your balance. There is more to life than school and work, and to be successful in those areas, balance outside of that is important. Find your passions and hobbies outside of that and make time for yourself everyday. I’ve also learned so much about communicating and listening, being dedicated to improving yourself everyday, self-reflection can go a long way!