Graduate Programs

Blogs from students, faculty & staff

Scholarship and Support: Arahshiel Silver’s Experience in the MA in Liberal Studies Program

Posted by & filed under Graduate School - general, Liberal Studies.

After finishing a bachelor’s degree in history “better late than never,” Arahshiel Silver knew she wanted to continue her education and began looking for a master’s program that fit her needs. She considered many factors when choosing a program, but most importantly, she was looking for the flexibility to pursue the research that motivated her.

Amy Coughlin Talks Personal and Professional Growth in the MA in Literacy Ed Program

Posted by & filed under Graduate School - general, Literacy Education.

When I made a career transition from classroom teacher to literacy interventionist, I wanted to get my reading specialist endorsement, and I was thrilled to learn UM-Flint offered an MA in Literacy Ed program. The program is almost entirely online, so I can teach, parent my 2- and 4-year olds, and fit in the coursework