English Department

at the University of Michigan-Flint

A Blog in the Time of Coronavirus

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This blog was supposed to be all about my first experience taking students on a faculty-led study abroad course called “Mexico: Cultural Exploration Beyond the Border.” I would have returned from the adventure on May 27th, and my plan was to construct this blog from vibrant, colorful pictures and fresh journal notes. Unfortunately, the coronavirus

Andrew Kruse-Ross (1977-2020)

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Andrew Kruse-Ross (1977-2020)

The English Department family lost a wonderful alumnus on New Year’s Day when Andrew Kruse-Ross (graduated December 2000), died suddenly and far too soon. His wife, UM-Flint alumna Aimee Suzanne (Long), said the cause was a genetic pulmonary embolism. Andrew was forty-two years old. Older faculty may remember him as good-natured, friendly, occasionally goofy, and possessed of the most

The Pedagogy of Pilgrimage

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The academic field of English literature is disappearing for lack of workers:  fewer students are declaring English as a major, causing literature faculty to pick up work in other disciplines.  But perhaps our field is merely going through a fallow phase.  Maybe we are being called to push aside, for the time being, our books

As You Like Flint

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Since the water crisis hit Flint, researchers and journalists have tried to tell Flint’s story. Outsiders have capitalized in one way or another off the tragedy that effected the city’s people. Due to many stories revolving around Flint and its misfortunes, researchers and reporters have sent out a message that plagues Flint with a bad

Two Books in Spring

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Professors Mary Jo Kietzman and Fred Svoboda have new books out this year. They are The Biblical Covenant in Shakespeare (Palgrave Macmillan) and Understanding John Updike (U of South Carolina).

New: Earn a TESOL Certificate!

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This fall the Linguistics Program will begin offering a new 15-hour certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages.  Now you can earn this valuable and highly portable credential right here at UM-Flint, and in only four classes!