UM-Flint Campus Community Enjoys Center for Educator Preparation Open House

Those visiting the University of Michigan-Flint Center for Educator Preparation Open House this week enjoyed talking with faculty, campus administrators, and students to celebrate the center, learn about the resources available, and meet the new director, Thomn Bell, who joined the CEP in August.

“It was nice to see so many faculty, staff and students within the Education Unit and from across campus come to the open house and support the center as it enters this next phase of increasing student support under the leadership of Thomn Bell,” commented Bob Barnett, Dean of the School of Education and Human Services.

“It was great to see so many colleagues from across the Education Unit and to feel the enthusiasm for our shared mission of teacher preparation and educational leadership,” added Susan Gano-Phillips, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.

Brian Gebhart, a student in the Teacher Certification Program and focusing on English studies, also dropped by the event. Brian looks forward to advancing in the program this year and gaining more experience by student teaching.


Brian Gebhart, UM-Flint TCP student

Also attending was UM-Flint student Elizabeth Fleming, formerly majoring in molecular biology who decided to set her biology flash cards aside to pursue a bachelor’s degree in elementary education.

“I love children and teaching has always been something I considered growing up,” Elizabeth said. “When thinking about what I wanted to be when I grew up I just knew in my heart that teaching young children is the only thing that I want to do.”


Elizabeth Fleming, UM-Flint education student

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