Touring a Reggio Inspired School

We had an opportunity to tour a school in Cavriago, Italy today where we were able to see preschool classrooms of three, four, and five-year-olds. What stuck me the most was the freedom the children had to go outside and the open windows and doors, the fresh air felt wonderful! Small courtyards connected classrooms together and served as a meeting spot for children along with a way of incorporating nature and gardening into the environment. Grass isn’t mowed here which gives the playground a natural feel. Small patios take children outside their classrooms at an opposite end and lead them to the playground.

Morning meetings in classrooms today lasted up to an hour with music, games, talking and stories. Children sat on risers built into the classroom which was later used as a dramatic play area in some classrooms and block area in others. Several classrooms utilized their large bathrooms as a place for dramatic play. Natural light from the many windows and multitude of mirrors made it a perfect place for dress up.

Today was the last day of school for these children, it was also a special day here with children visiting who will attend next year making a group size today of thirty to thirty-five children in each of the four classrooms, on a normal day the group size consists of 25 children.

After our visit with the school all 39 of us along with Roberta, the atelierista walked through the park and had lunch together at a nice Italian restaurant hidden behind the park.