Start Them Early

My fellow inductees and I are committed to improving public health in Flint and Genesee County by way of health education. It is a great start on my journey within public health. Anyone who is a health education major or minor can join. As Dr. Parker said to us on our induction day, this is our organization. I am looking forward to all the things that we plan to do on campus in the future! Go Eta Sigma Gamma! Go public health!

Janelle at the Eta Sigma Gamma event

Eta Sigma Gamma event

Speaking of events, the first event I participated in with Eta Sigma Gamma was the Children Health Fair last Monday (April 10th). This program was created by Georgiana Logan, Director of Health Education for PTHeart and Vice-President for Eta Sigma Gamma for the children in the Early Development Childhood Center in the White Building. One classroom became a carnival for health for the attendees where I was the ticket master!

Janelle as Ticketmaster for Health Fair

Health Fair Board

There were countless stations teaching the children about brushing their teeth, washing their hands, and creating a balanced meal. The kids couldn’t wait to get the prizes and were actually excited to get healthy snacks! A lot of times, we as adults don’t give kids the credit due. They actually do like healthy foods as long as they are presented in the right way. I guess adults are that way too (we’re all just big kids at heart!). In the end, the fair was extremely successful and the best part of all was that the kids came out of the fair a little bit more knowledgeable about ways to stay healthy, which is what we at PT Heart and Eta Sigma Gamma are all about.

Brush those teeth!