Tips for Being Successful in College: Office Hours

Hello, everyone.

I hope you all having a productive semester so far! Throughout my college experience I’ve learned the hard way about some key steps to being successful in college, but I’m here to share with you the shortcuts so you dont have to go the same route I did.

Going to high school in Nigeria exposed me to various aspects of learning and different techniques I could embark on when certain situations or challenges arrived that had to do with studying, office hours, and research.

The first tip I’m going to write about today is OFFICE HOURS.

1. Get to know your professors for each class before the fifth week of the semester. Let them know you so they can put a face to the name on the paper that they grade. It also shows professors that you care about their class and your success in their class.

2. Make sure you attend each professor’s office hours at least once a month. You can stop by and ask a question or learn extra material from a certain topic in class, and it also shows the professor you’re willing to go the extra mile to be successful in his or her class. When they see that a student is willing to go the extra mile, the professor will be willing to go an extra mile for you as well.

3. Make sure you participate in class—ask questions or give your opinion on a certain topic that you’re given in class. Trust me, it makes a difference.

I say all these things because I’ve seen the opposite, and because most students didn’t do this. Then when they had certain issues occur during the semester, the professors would not really budge because they had not seen or heard from student all semester long. They may have taken it that the student didn’t really care about the class, which is not a good thing.

Participation points, attendance points, and office hours visits make a difference in your final grade. When those points you have gained academically don’t meet up with the grade you want to achieve, a professor may look at the extra steps you have taken and offer an extra credit essay or an extra assignment.

I really want my blog readers to honestly try these steps, and if you see me on campus please let me know how this worked for you. What did you do differently? What techniques and things did you learn while doing it? Or you can even comment on the blog post, people. I would really love to know.

I will be attending a leadership camp this week. I’m looking forward to posting pictures on Instagram and writing about the tips and workshops. Stay tuned for that next week.

Wishing all students a successful and productive week ahead.

Go blue!

T out.