Tag Archives: education

Alum Rachel Middleton shares her career journey with Amazon: April’s aMaizeing Alumni

 Rachel Middleton graduated in 2016 with a BBA in International Business. She shares her career path through Amazon and her future goals. As our alumni spotlight, Rachel talks about the unorthodox class lessons that helped her years later in her career, her travels, her advice to students to always seek feedback, and her many unique hobbies. 

Q: Were you involved in any clubs or extracurriculars during your college experience? If so, what organizations/clubs?
A: Entrepreneurs Society, Global Ambassadors Program, Internship with Verizon Wireless (via a career fair held at UM-Flint)

Q: Where are you currently working and your title? How long have you been in this position or at this organization? 
A: I have worked for Amazon for going on 7 years. I am currently a Senior Program Manager for Amazon Robotics but started off my career within a year of graduating from UM-Flint as an Area Manager for Amazon Sort Centers. In my tenure, I have been promoted from middle management in the warehouse and manufacturing space, to upper management in the Learning & Development space, to now managing large-scale programs and projects for Amazon Robotics. I started this career in San Antonio, TX, but have been all around the country with Amazon to either launch new sites, conduct Kaizen events for process improvements, or start my next role in a new city. I lived in Jacksonville, FL, for almost 3 years, and now live in Waco, TX, where I am working from home and spending quality time with my dogs and cats.

Q: What is your job like day to day?
A: As a Senior Program Manager, my day-to-day duties adapt to the needs of the business and of the teams under the Amazon Robotics umbrella. I develop project plans, build informational websites for information repositories, assess and onboard third-party support, evaluate launch outcomes, reintegrate learning into the organization and product plan, and manage programs from development stages through to launch and Hypercare. Throughout the program or project lifecycle, I manage performance and measure, determine, then drive, any initiatives necessary to improve it. My job calls for understanding aspects of how new service and/or product launches will impact the internal and/or external customer experience and partnering closely with Amazon business stakeholders to ensure said services or products are meeting needs.
We are experimenting with new questions for our alumni feature! We would like for you to answer and make this your own based on your path and experience. 

Q: Share your best college memory
A: In one of Dr. Laurence’s classes, his first group project assignment was for the group to do something together that was entirely unrelated to class. The activity was for us to decide, and my group got together for a game of beer pong, in true college fashion. To this day, one of the people I met through that experience is a great friend, who got my younger brother his first job, and is also a successful graduate of UM-Flint. I tell this story often as I really appreciated how Dr. Laurence prioritized building a connection within a team before giving us any executive functions to perform. I utilize this approach in different ways in my career to this day. If you earn the trust of your team, performing tasks together becomes both smoother and easier.

Q: How did your education at UM-Flint prepare you for what you are doing today?
A: As a first-generation college student from parents who respectively either barely graduated high school or was an immigrant, I had very little preparation for higher education despite performing well academically prior to my college experience. UM-Flint was the stepping stone I needed to segue between knowing nothing of the possible paths available to me and jumping into a career path I could excel in. Having grown up in the Flint/Burton area, UM-Flint offered me the stability of staying close to home while working on my education.

Q: Who influenced you most during your time at UM-Flint and why?
A: Both Dr. Laurence and Dr. Witt in the School of Management were fantastic role models for me. Their teaching methods were memorable in that they were somewhat unorthodox, and to this day I hold a lot of respect for their ability to engage their students in things bigger than themselves.

Q: Describe your career path.
A: I started off as an Area Manager for Sort Centers with Amazon. I was promoted within the role to a higher-level Area Manager within the Sort Center network and spent a year in that role before moving into the Fulfillment Center space to continue growth within my own skill sets. After getting accustomed to a new, faster-paced, and more demanding space, I was again promoted to Operations Manager for Learning & Development. In this role, I managed a team responsible for onboarding and training Amazon warehouse employees from Tier 1 level associates through Level 6 Operations Managers. In that space, I also facilitated the launches of four different fulfillment centers across three different states. After those successful launches, I wanted to slow down in my career in order to prioritize my life at home and transferred into my current role as a Senior Program Manager, where I am an individual contributor and appreciate working from home.

Q: What advice would you give current students or recent graduates interested in pursuing a career in your professional field?
A: My advice to current students would be to field 360 feedback wherever they can in life. This can even be practiced as a student through conversations with peers and professors. Being open to feedback that sometimes may be difficult to hear, and being able to show up with an action plan to address opportunities and fine-tune strengths is something that will speak volumes to those around you. Do not wait nor expect someone to do this for you. I’ve seen time and time again that people struggle to move forward or upward because they are waiting on their manager or their peers to give them the tools they need to advance. Be tenacious; show up for yourself. Asking the right questions can take you a long way (e.g. How am I to work with? Do you consider my writing strong? What courses/trainings are available to me to better my understanding of this subject? What do I need to work on?).

Q: What is a long-term career or professional goal you have for yourself?
A: I would like to continue diversifying my skill sets to prepare myself for an international move. I consider my background in manufacturing management and learning and development to be strong and am working to bring my program management skills up to the same level of proficiency. For me, this looks like continuing to take on projects or programs that have a global impact on Amazon. As a dual citizen of the USA and Japan, and would like my experiences to open doors for me to move back to Japan or perhaps another country.

Q: Fun Facts! (Examples: sports fan, long-term goals, favorite vacation, future travel plans/ideas, or come up with your own!)
A: I’ve been to 46 US states and 25 different countries since I graduated college. I’ve always had a passion for travel, different cultures, and languages and I’ve really prioritized it since I started being able to afford it. My next vacation will likely be going home to see my family in Japan as I have not been back there since the pandemic began.

Q: What is something people may not know about you?
A: I have many, many hobbies that are all over the map and don’t often come up in conversation in my profession as they are quite the opposite of what is typically discussed. When they do come up, however, people tend to be surprised. I’ve played many instruments from a young age (piano, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, ukulele, banjo, and harmonica), I do a lot of art (paintings (portrait, landscape), Dungeons and Dragons miniatures painting, and tattooing (licensed in Florida) – I’ve also tattooed myself), I train dogs (I myself own a Belgian Malinois (working line) and a Siberian Husky, and trained Belgian Malinois dogs for obedience and bite work in Texas), and I sew clothes and blankets. I like to stay busy and enjoy activities that are mentally stimulating.

Jania Torreblanca shares her unique career path and her skills at adapting to change: March aMaizeing Alumni

Jania Torreblanca graduated in 2021 & 2022 in the dual degree master’s program receiving MBA and MSLOD degrees. Her college career started in high school which led her to the US Navy allowing her the opportunity to learn a trade, travel, and be independent. Jania explains her education took a longer path but that she does not regret the choices. As our alumni spotlight Jania talks about valuing your connections, the resilience of her and her classmates during covid, and her future goal to teach at the college level.

Q: Where are you currently working and your title? How long have you been in this position or at this organization? 
A: I am the Senior Director, Sterile Processing for The Resource Group, Spend Management Solutions, a subsidiary of Ascension. I have been with The Resource Group since December 2021. As the Senior Director, Sterile Processing, I lead one arm of the Sterile Processing Community and work in sync with our Sterile Processing Operations leaders. We currently manage the Sterile Processing departments across 12 states where Ascension operates.
In my role, I am in charge of leading a team who is creating and driving a national strategy, in a standardized, clinical integration approach for the Sterile Processing department’s education, quality, best practices, and regulatory compliance initiatives.

Q: What is your job like day to day?
A: My day-to-day job varies by week and project we are working on, however, I can group it into two different types of work: strategy development/support and clinical support. For perspective, we currently have 101 workstreams we are working through.
A typical day consists of meeting with our national teams, creating/supporting the work of an initiative, removing barriers, and providing guidance. The other half of my day is spent meeting with our local leadership teams and helping them through action items, Joint Commission visit work plans, and providing them the connections, tools, and documents they need to address an issue.
The fun part of my work week is when I am able to travel to one of our hospitals and I get to interact with our front-line staff and leaders. I enjoy meeting them and learning about them and their passion for the work we do. The dedication and energy I hear from them motivate me, even more, to continue to complete our national work so I can help them have a more satisfying work environment.
I can honestly say that I love my job and I love the people that I work with, I cannot imagine doing anything other than what I am doing today.

Q: Why did you choose to attend UM-Flint for your degree(s)?
A: I chose UM-Flint, because of the smaller class sizes and the way the courses are taught. In today’s business world, the work is conducted in teams- there are rarely projects that are accomplished alone and as an aspiring executive, I needed to make sure that my course of study was taught in the same manner. UM-Flint did an awesome job in providing that framework, I never imagined that an accounting project and a finance project could have a team project deliverable!

Q: Share your best college memory
A: My best college memory is about meeting people for who they are as individuals and not by their titles. I met hospital executives, physicians, and other business executives who did not bring their titles to the classroom. They were personable and students just like me or they were professors who were sharing personal learning experiences of what worked and didn’t work for them.

Q: What is the most important thing you learned while you were at UM-Flint? 
A: I started the Master’s program, a year before the pandemic and was deep in my studies when the COVID-19 pandemic started. Most importantly though, I learned how resilient my classmates and I were for not giving up when things became really hard. At the onset of the pandemic, I was working 10-12 hours a day, on-site at the University of Michigan Health, and yet I continued powering through work and school. The assignments and projects didn’t ease up, so I learned how to balance my time and attention appropriately to family, work, and school and NOT give up on either one. I am so grateful for the time-management and organizational skills I learned during my studies at UM-Flint and I have carried those on to my work today.

Q: How did your education at UM-Flint prepare you for what you are doing today?
A: The varied course work and case study analysis in the dual degree program MBA/MSLOD helped me prepare for my current role and for my future roles. Learning about strategy development, organizational behavior, change management, talent and recruiting, negotiation and so many other courses has helped me as I perform my current work. Truly, every single course I enrolled in, has helped me become a better leader.

Q: Describe your career path.
A: My career path has not been a straight line and I changed directions several times throughout my initial years after high school.
When I was in high school I actually started attending college classes in the evenings during my junior and senior years. While other kids were working or doing extracurricular activities, I was attending classes and learned about philosophy, art, and politics. It doesn’t sound like fun, but I truly enjoyed learning about Socrates and Descartes’s “Discourse on Method,” and at that point, I wanted to become a philosophy major! However, I learned about the US Navy, and the opportunity to learn a trade, travel, and be independent, convinced me to put my bachelor’s degree on hold and go on a journey.
I spent 5 years in the US Navy as a Hospital Corpsman and learned that I actually loved healthcare. During my years in the Navy, I listened to my recruiter and volunteered for every training program possible. So, I was a certified EMT-B, Food Inspector, Sterile Processing Technician, Medical Assistant (MA), Nursing Assistant, etc, etc. I also led a team on the USS O’Kane and realized I liked leading people. When my 5-year military term was over, I moved to Michigan, to support my husband’s career and that is when my Sterile Processing career took off. I began working as a Sterile Processing technician and then quickly moved into progressive leadership roles (supervisor to Sr. Director).
Since 2014, I have volunteered my time to be a part of the development of AAMI Sterilization Standards, which are the industry standards for Sterile Processing.
In the last 18 years, I have only worked for three organizations, but each of these three organizations has provided me the opportunity to progressively grow my skills as a leader and lead bigger teams with each growth opportunity. In my first role as a supervisor, I led a team of 15 technicians on the afternoon shift. In my first role as a manager, I led a team of 35 people, in my next role as a manager I led 84 people and in my first role as a director, I led a team of 150+ people. Today I lead a smaller, national team of 9, who influence 60+ hospitals across 12 states.
I continued to slowly work on my bachelor’s degree throughout my Navy career and graduated with my Bachelor’s in Healthcare Services from the University of Phoenix in 2005 (3 years after I left the Navy). I started my Master’s program in January 2020, after much deliberation on what I wanted to do in the next phase of my career. Continuing my education and obtaining my Master’s degree has always been a goal, however, I wanted to be 100% sure about which program I chose to pursue.
I probably took a much longer road to get to where I am today, but I do not regret my choices. I truly believe that each of the roles I have held, the life experience of the Navy, and returning to school when I did, provided me the opportunity to soak in what I was learning and afforded me the chance to apply what I was learning to my current position.

Q: Why did you choose to go into the career path you are currently in?
A: As I am typing this synopsis of my career path, I am laughing at the fact that for a long time, I did not think that leadership and healthcare were my future. Yet, every time I have had the opportunity to leave this industry I have not left it, instead I continue to grow in it.
A couple of years before I committed to the MBA/MSLOD program, I truly believed I wanted to leave healthcare and leadership all together. I explored many programs outside of these two disciplines, yet, every path kept leading me to this exact one. It wasn’t until I took the Enneagram Personality Test last year that I learned why I am so drawn to the career path and work I do today AND why I find my job satisfying.
As it turns out I am a Type 1 on the Enneagram, I am the Reformer (perfectionist and idealistic type). I have a sense of duty and commitment to create perfect things and I will continuously search to find the ideal state. In Sterile Processing, we have to have high-quality standards and create products that will help surgeons perform surgery to improve patient outcomes. If we don’t meet those quality standards, a lot of issues can arise. In my current role, I have to create these best practices and help our front-line associates reach these goals. What drives me and keeps me on this road, is the opportunity to help others, and of course search for the perfect state. In this journey though, I have also had to learn how to balance this “search” and create realistic goals and expectations.

Q: What advice would you give current students or recent graduates interested in pursuing a career in your professional field?
A: Value your connections and the people you meet along the way because you never know who will end up being your boss or co-worker in your next opportunity. Healthcare is spread out across the nation, but it is also a small community and now with so many mergers and acquisitions the healthcare world is getting smaller. Make connections, make a first impression, and keep in touch, because one day you will need to reach out to them for advice, a referral, or just a discussion.
For example, I obtained my first job as a supervisor because (unbeknownst to me) the manager of the Sterile Processing department of another hospital, worked per-diem at my hospital and she saw my work ethic and the way I connected with people. We made a connection, I sent her my resume and since the skill sets she had observed matched what was on my resume, she referred me and hired me at her hospital. I still keep in contact with her today. Several positions I have been hired into after that, have been as a referral.

Q: What is a long-term career or professional goal you have for yourself?
A: Towards the end of my career, I would love to teach at a college level. I am still working on the details and pathway to that goal, but that is where I am headed.

Q: Fun Facts! (Examples: sports fan, long-term goals, favorite vacation, future travel plans/ideas, or come up with your own!)
A: I love to travel and visit new places with my family. Since my husband loves to drive, we drove to Guatemala a couple years ago and had so much fun. From Michigan, that is about a 3-day trip each way- that is the furthest we have ever driven. In a couple of years, our goal is to drive to Alaska.

Q: What is something people may not know about you?
A: Although I was living on a Navy destroyer ship for 3 years in the Navy, I do not know how to swim! I can float, but I just cannot coordinate my hands and feet to be able to swim. It happens with Zumba or any other hand-and-foot coordination activities.

From a BBA to a CFO, Robert shares his passion and investment in Flint: February aMaizeing Alumni

Robert Widigan graduated from UM-Flint School of Management in 2014 with a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) with a concentration in Accounting. He has been the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for the city of Flint, Michigan for over a year and explains that some of the most important things he learned while at UM-Flint were the core skills he uses every day. Such as, working on a team, handling big projects, staying organized, and managing stress. As our featured alumni of the month, Robert gives advice on working for the city, his path to becoming a CFO, and his favorite memories about UM-Flint!

Q: Where are you currently working and your title? How long have you been in this position or at this organization? 
A: I am the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for the city of Flint, Michigan. I have been here for over a year now

Q: What is your job like day to day?
A: Every day brings its own set of challenges. Therefore, it is crucial to understand clearly and have the department’s critical long-term, mid-term, and short-term goals in focus as you’re pulled in numerous directions. Day-to-day includes overseeing all aspects of the City’s finances, including preparation and administration of the City’s budget and financial reports, as well as accounting payroll, grant reporting, and purchasing. In addition, the CFO also oversees Fleet Management, IT Services, and Facilities. Recently, the day-to-day has primarily consisted of working with our partners in Lansing to find a solution to subsidizing the City’s underfunded pension fund. That goal was achieved recently with the newly adopted state budget, which included a $220M lump-sum infusion into the City’s pension fund, bringing it up to 60% funded, as required by state law. This funding will help ensure the City of Flint is financially sound for generations.

Q: Why did you choose to attend UM-Flint for your degree(s)?
A: It was clear that UM-Flint had amazing resources for students to be successful both academically and in their careers. To me, UM-Flint was a great opportunity to earn my degree while also remaining involved in my hometown.

Q: Share your best college memory
A: Attending home games at the Big House, Go Blue!

Q: What is the most important thing you learned while you were at UM-Flint? 
A: Some of the most important things I learned while at UM-Flint were the core skills I use every day. Such as, working on a team, handling big projects, staying organized, and managing stress.

Q: How did your education at UM-Flint prepare you for what you are doing today?
A: Well, there is not much that can truly prepare you for being the CFO of the City of Flint. However, I will say the relationships I made and the passion for this community that I developed while at UM-Flint made it easy to say “yes” when asked to take on this role. When your hometown calls, you go.

Q: Who influenced you most during your time at UM-Flint and why?
A: Professor Chris Douglas. I had Sports Economics with Professor Douglas, one of the best classes I have ever taken. The class examines the economic issues pertaining to professional and college sports – such as labor relations and how franchises impact the local economy. I still talk about what Professor Douglas taught us in that class today. We have stayed in touch over the years; he has even presented at conferences I planned while working at the State of Michigan.

Q: Describe your career path.
A: Before joining the City of Flint’s Team as CFO, I served as the Finance Director for the City of Lansing. There I managed the Finance Team, oversaw short and long-term financial planning and financial operations of the City, prepared revenue projections and debt service requirements, and evaluated department operations, among other tasks related to the City’s financial health.

   Previous to Lansing, I served as the Village Manager for the Village of Shelby in Oceana County, Michigan. In this position, I oversaw the day-to-day operations of the Village. Leading a small local government required me to wear many hats, including budgeting, community engagement, economic development, forging public-private collaborations, and working with local, regional, and state partners.

   Prior to that, I was with the Michigan Department of Treasury for over four years. There my responsibilities included:

   – Analyzing trends.

   – Compiling local government data.

   – Preparing reports for long-range strategic planning and recommendations for state support directly to local governments.

   Throughout my career, I’ve developed substantial expertise in calculating and managing risk, cash flow projections, economic development, and planning, facilitating communications and decision-making between departments and administration, financial and operational management, labor negotiations, long-term financial planning and financing strategies, policy and ordinance development, and an understanding of State reporting requirements. This experience also taught me excellent skills in building lasting relationships with individuals and community members.

Q: Why did you choose to go into the career path you are currently in?
A: I have always been interested in government, finance, and economics, and I have a high drive and desire to help people and communities progress toward further success; this role as Flint City CFO allows me to do just that!

Q: What advice would you give current students or recent graduates interested in pursuing a career in your professional field?
A: First, Take your time and be patient. Second, it’d be helpful to earn your Bachelor’s in Public Finance alongside a Bachelor’s in Business Administration. That will open many doors for you, from CFO to City Manager. Lastly, take an internship somewhere, like with the City of Flint!

Q: What is a long-term career or professional goal you have for yourself?
A: I would like to go back to school for my MBA.

Q: What is one of your proudest accomplishments so far?
A: My proudest accomplishment was helping carry the football across the goal line: pension reform in Michigan. It is unmistakable that Flint has had its share of disinvestment over the years.

   Upon taking the role of CFO with the City of Flint, the City faced unrealistic annual pension contributions. FY2022 and FY2023, the pension contribution was about $32 million and was projected to increase to $40 million in FY2024. This drastic increase made pension contributions our most significant expense in the City’s budget.

   While facing this reality, under my leadership we engaged in numerous meetings with state legislatures and our partners in Lansing.

   All these meetings led to $750 million being set aside in the state of Michigan’s Fiscal Year 2022-23 budget to support underfunded municipal pension plans, helping to ensure a promise made is a promise kept to hardworking local government employees across the state.

   This is a historic moment in Flint; thanks to the countless meetings and hard work, we helped ensure the City of Flint is financially sound for generations to come with this cash infusion of up to $220M into our pension fund. Based on recent analysis, $220M deposited into the pension plan will reduce our pension contribution for that following fiscal year to approximately $18 to $19 million, ensuring we fulfill our promise to retirees while maintaining City services.





Q: Fun Facts! (Examples: sports fan, long-term goals, favorite vacation, future travel plans/ideas, or come up with your own!)
A: I really enjoy golf (although I am really bad at it). Future travel plans include Puerto Rico in January, Mexico in February, and Honduras in the spring.

Q: What is something people may not know about you?
A: I was a paid-on-call firefighter for seven (7) years.

BBA Alum becomes a well-rounded business attorney: January aMaizeing Alumni

Nicholas Goldsworthy graduated in 2012 with a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) concentrating on Operations Management and Finance. As a student, he was a part of the Entrepreneurs Society, a SOM student organization. Outside of academics, he spent time at the UM-Flint Rec Center where he met his future wife! In 2021 Nick became a partner at Witt & Goldsworthy, PLLC, and has practiced law there since 2016.  As our featured alumni of the month, Nicholas gives advice on working in law, his path to becoming a lawyer, and his favorite memories about UM-Flint!

Q: Were you involved in any clubs or extracurriculars during your college experience? If so, what organizations/clubs?
A:  Entrepreneurs Society

Q: Where are you currently working and your title? How long have you been in this position or at this organization? 
A: I work as an attorney with Witt & Goldsworthy, PLLC. I’ve practiced law with this firm since 2016, and I became a partner in 2021.

Q: What is your job like day to day?
A: I’m usually working on a matter on behalf of my client, and the work varies depending on whether the matter involves a transaction or litigation. Transactional matters involve negotiating, drafting, and closing contracts supporting a sale, and what is sold ranges from real estate, goods, services, or businesses. In that context, my job involves supporting my client by advising them in the negotiation process, performing due diligence, preparing documents that minimize any legal exposure or risk of loss to my client, communicating with the other party’s attorney, and assisting the client with closing on the deal. For litigation matters, I spend a lot of time educating clients on the litigation process, preparing and filing motions and briefs in court, discovery, negotiating settlements with the opposing party, and attending court hearings. 

   When I’m not doing work for clients, I spend time working to generate new business for the firm and to improve how we deliver legal services. This requires networking with potential new sources of business and consulting with outside advisors.  

   I’m fortunate that I get to do most of these activities from the comfort of my home!

Q: Why did you choose to attend UM-Flint for your degree(s)?
A:  I chose UM-Flint because I had a great experience touring the campus, and UM-Flint was an affordable option for me and my family.

Q: Share your best college memory
A: My best college memory was meeting the woman I would later marry. We met at the UM-Flint Recreation Center!

Q: What is the most important thing you learned while you were at UM-Flint? 
A: The most important thing I learned at UM-Flint is to get involved. Get involved by asking questions, networking, and taking advantage of the resources you have available to you.

Q: How did your education at UM-Flint prepare you for what you are doing today?
A: Since I majored in operations management and finance, the education I received at UM-Flint has made me a well-rounded business attorney.

Q: Describe your career path.
A: I worked a lot of service jobs when I was younger. I worked various sales jobs, waited tables, and worked at a golf course in the summertime. When I started college at UM-Flint and joined the Entrepreneurs Society, I sought opportunities to work in positions where I had greater autonomy. One notable opportunity was working for a bioenergy startup company that was primarily grant funded by MDARD. While working in that position, I also clerked for a small law firm. Coincidentally, the principal investigator on the MDARD grant was also an attorney, and I introduced him to one of the attorneys at the firm I was clerking with at the time. The two attorneys eventually formed their own firm, and I ended up working for them before, during, and after I attended law school and passed the bar. Now I’m a partner at that firm.

Q: Why did you choose to go into the career path you are currently in?
A: The main reason I chose this career path is because I know I can help people and businesses in a meaningful way. Another reason is because practicing law is what I’ve always wanted to do, as I knew I wanted to be a lawyer at a young age.

Q: What advice would you give current students or recent graduates interested in pursuing a career in your professional field?
A: Get good at researching and writing more. Sound research and analysis are critical to success in law. If you can write well and know your way around the library and online research databases, then you can be a serious asset to any organization.
    Seek a mentor. Mentors can help you avoid common errors and connect you to other professionals. It may seem daunting but take the time to find someone working in an area of law that you’re interested in. Do some background research on that person, then contact them to learn more about what they do, why you’re interested in what they do, and if you can help them in any way. If you find that you “click” with your target mentor, ask if they would be willing to meet/call for 20-30 minutes on a monthly basis.

Q: Fun Facts! (Examples: sports fan, long-term goals, favorite vacation, future travel plans/ideas, or come up with your own!)
A: I’m looking forward to taking my 2-year-old daughter to the beach for the first time.

Q: What is something people may not know about you?
A: I love to cook, and I do my best to replicate authentic Italian cuisine.

Hagerman Student Scholars selected for the 2016-2017 Academic Year

The Hagerman Student Scholars program has been expanded for the 2016-2017 academic year by adding two additional students to the lineup for its annual Hagerman Student Scholar Award. The Hagerman Student Scholar award was created in 2015 to support future entrepreneurs. Hagerman Student Scholars become ambassadors of the Hagerman Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation located inside the School of Management.

Lauren Adams, Bryan Halpin, Nolan Moore, Sean Tabor, and Emily Zoromski will step into their role of Hagerman Scholars in the Fall 2016 semester.  Along with receiving a $2,000 scholarship, they will become ambassadors of the School of Management Hagerman Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Through this opportunity, the scholars will expand their networking opportunities while working one on one with School of Management professors and the community.

Adams, a senior majoring in Business Administration, expressed her excitement about being selected as a Hagerman Scholar. “It’s exciting to get involved this early on since I am only in my third year. I am excited for the networking opportunities and community involvement,” said Adams.

Adams sees entrepreneurship and innovation as ways of creating positivity in the community. As a part of the National Society of Leadership and Success, she has found that traits she already possessed will suit her entrepreneur spirit. “[National Society of Leadership and Success] gave me realization of my strong traits and interests. I am embracing entrepreneurship because it will teach me to be a better leader and to take risks for positive changes,” she said.

Lauren Adams, 2016

Lauren Adams, 2016

Moore, a senior majoring in Business Administration, echoed Adams sentiments about receiving the award. “When I heard about it, I got really excited. I applied for it and I was lucky enough to get it,” said Moore. “It’s been a huge blessing to me and my family. My mom cried when I told her I got it.”

As someone who grew up just outside Flint, Moore was never unaware of the cities issues. After he graduates from college, he hopes to contribute to positive changes in the city. “I heard about the crime, the violence, the poverty, and the poor economic situations that have plagued the city for years. Hearing about these things can easily crush one’s hope for a better future. After attending the University of Michigan-Flint for four years now, I have seen things that have restored my hope for the city, and I want to be part of that,” he said.

As a senior, Moore can see the impact that it will have on his education and career outlook. “The simple fact is this will help me get though school,” he said. “This is going to be my last year and I can get through this year without a bunch of student debt. It’s going to relieve a lot of stress and help me get a jump start on my career.”

Nolan Moore, 2016

Nolan Moore, 2016

Halpin, a senior majoring in Supply Chain Management and Marketing, agrees that the financial stress of education can affect the choices students can make. He understands the financial burdens that affect college students and how they impact the time it takes to get a degree. Originally starting his college career in 2004, he took only one course each semester while working full time. He states that the sacrifices his wife and himself have made allowed him to pursue his college education full time. “I set myself up to have one year without a job to go to school full time and this award helps me achieve my goal; it helps me to get where I’m going,” said Halpin. “My wife and I have both sacrificed for me to get this degree. For the school to participate in that and help to ease our sacrifice is amazing to me.”

As a student who is already heavily involved with Entrepreneurs Society as their Vice President, Halpin understands the impact of Hagerman Student Ambassadors. “I think the ambassadorship, reaching out to the community and to other students, that’s going to be the most fun,” he said. “I look forward to helping people achieve their goals just like this scholarship helped me achieve mine. That’s going to be phenomenal.”

Bryan Haplin, 2016

Bryan Haplin, 2016

Tabor, a senior majoring in Business Administration with a concentration in Entrepreneurship, credits Dr. Michael Witt for igniting his passion for Entrepreneurship when he joined the Entrepreneurs Society. He was elected Vice President for the 2014-15 academic year and shortly after, transitioned to President for the 2015-2016 academic year. He pursued his passion by starting his own real estate investment company while attending school full time. Shortly after, he obtained an internship with SkyPoint Ventures. He hopes his work through SkyPoint Ventures will create opportunities for students to strengthen the surrounding community.

“I think it’s [the Hagerman Student Scholar Award] going to give hope to local entrepreneurs,” said Tabor. “It’s going to give hope to college grads who want to be entrepreneurs and realize that there are people out there who want to support them— people out there that understand the importance of small business and that they’re willing to give of their fortune to help someone create their own.”

Sean Tabor, 2016

Sean Tabor, 2016

Zoromski struggled to find her place in the beginning of her college career. She discovered her love for business and joined the Entrepreneur Society. It was there that she discovered her passion for working with others.

“That has had a really big impact on my college career,” she said. “I have met a lot of really great students with the same goals and mindset that I have. That’s had a big impact. You get different viewpoints on everything and just some of the projects you do, dealing with the people you are helping is really cool.”

Zoromski believes that future Hagerman Scholars will benefit and gain opportunities that otherwise would not be available. “I think that it’s [the Hagerman Student Scholar Award] going to help other students learn and grow,” said Zoromski. “Everyone wants scholarships and having the different things you’re involved in, from getting the scholarship, is a great learning opportunity for other business majors. I’m a finance major so letting people other than entrepreneurship majors know about this scholarship will be a great opportunity for them to learn about entrepreneurship.”

Emily Zoromski, 2016

Emily Zoromski, 2016

Michelle Tolin, BBA Alumn, Receives Scholarship Award

Michelle Tolin, a BBA alumn was presented with the Detroit Chapter of the Institute of Internal Auditors Scholarship Award. Qualified candidates submitted a three-page essay on the following topic: Discuss the benefits of using social media in the internal audit process and provide specific examples.

Michelle is the first student from U-M Flint to submit an essay. Michelle received a bachelor’s degree in business administration with a concentration in Accounting and a GPA of 3.81. She is the national reporter for Beta Alpha Psi and will be the incoming Treasurer. She is also a member of Beta Gamma Sigma. She also volunteered with VITA and various food banks.

New Master of Science in Accounting Program Being Offered

The University of Michigan-Flint School of Management (SOM) is excited to offer a Master of Science in Accounting (MSA) program for graduate students. The MSA program is designed to successfully prepare students for advanced careers in accounting. The MSA program enables students to fulfill the 150 credit hours required to become a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), and prepares them to successfully complete the exam. Students will graduate from the program with a superior understanding of accounting concepts and procedures.

“We look forward to offering the Master of Science in Accounting program at the University of Michigan-Flint. We’re excited about enhancing our program offerings to prepare students to become certified public accountants as well as work in other rewarding careers in accounting and business,” states Dr. Keith Moreland, Professor of Accounting.

The MSA program is taught in the NetPlus! format. NetPlus! is an innovative, mixed-mode program that blends the personal interaction of traditional classroom activities with the anytime, anywhere convenience of modern online learning making it accessible to busy students from a wide range of geographic areas. Applications are now being accepted for Fall 2012.

For more information on the MSA program click here.