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The ‘Society for Paragone Studies’ (phonetically pronounced pa-ra-go-nay) is a professional scholarly society intended to further the study of inter-arts relationships.  Specifically, paragone studies, which is a term that was popular in the Renaissance to describe rivalry between the arts through a comparative method, is interpreted in the broadest terms to include contemporary and historical relationships dating to antiquity between different media.  At this historical moment in the twenty-first century, when artistic media have grown and proliferated in new digital and multi-media forms, it is even more relevant to promote inter-arts scholarship.  This society unites scholars who research in this area, offering opportunities for an exchange of ideas.



To hold an annual conference dedicated to the topic


To offer an annual online newsletter for members


To further scholarship in the area through publications, conference presentations and round-table discussions


To provide e-mail notices to members on opportunities of interest to the Society


To promote scholarship in the area through the graduate-student journal Paragone: Emerging Scholars, and post-graduate journal Paragone: Past and Present published by the Society for Paragone Studies in collaboration with the FIA




The FIA has no control or influence concerning any decision the Society may make regarding collaborations or relationships with any other person, entity or organization. At the same time the FIA will have no responsibility whatsoever for any fees, duties or involvement of any kind concerning such relationships. The FIA does not control, evaluate, or in any way affirm the accuracy or appropriateness of any content of the Society presented in their newsletter, in their conference, or in any published format (online or in print). The opinions expressed through the Society are the opinions of the individual author and do not reflect the opinions of the FIA. Both parties agree that the FIA will not be responsible for any liability due to errors, omissions, or any other claim arising from the content/information presented by the Society.