Graduate Programs

Blogs from students, faculty & staff

The Transition from Student to Dean with Dr. Chris Douglas

Posted by & filed under Economics, Podcast.

Chris Douglas

Graduate school is a journey that resonates differently with each individual. For Dr. Chris Douglas, the Interim Dean of the College of Arts, Sciences, and Education, and a professor of economics at the University of Michigan Flint, this journey began with a passion for mathematics and science, and has culminated in an inspiring academic and

Strategies for Graduate School Success from Dr. Dick Sadler

Posted by & filed under PhD, Podcast.

Dick Sadler

Graduate school is a daunting yet rewarding journey that requires strategic planning, relentless perseverance, and a bit of serendipity. This episode of the Victor’s in Grad School podcast brought forth an enlightening conversation with Dr. Dick Sadler, a professor at Michigan State University, who shared his compelling academic journey, strategies for overcoming imposter syndrome, and advice for