Graduate Programs

Blogs from students, faculty & staff

Achieving Excellence in Grad School: Tips from Dr. Mohamed Mkaouer

Posted by & filed under Computer Science, Engineering, Podcast, Software Engineering.

Mohamed Mkaouer

Graduate school is a unique and deeply transformative journey. As Dr. Christopher Lewis outlines in this week’s Victor’s in Grad School podcast, every student travels their own path toward advanced degrees, facing distinct challenges and triumphs along the way. This episode features Dr. Mohamed Mkaouer, an Associate Professor and Director of the Masters in Software

Overcoming Challenges and Finding Success in Grad School: A Journey with Dr. John Long

Posted by & filed under PhD, Podcast.

Graduate school is a challenging yet rewarding journey that demands determination, resilience, and a passion for learning. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the insightful conversation between Dr. Christopher Lewis and Dr. John Long, a senior lecturer in engineering at Deakin University in Australia. Dr. Long shares his remarkable journey through graduate school, offering

Navigating the Shift: Going from Engineering to Business in Graduate School

Posted by & filed under Business Administration, Podcast.

Embarking on the journey of graduate school is a significant milestone filled with challenges and opportunities for growth. In this week’s Victors in Grad School podcast we talk with Michael Weber, a retired General Motors global systems engineer, shared his insights and experiences about his transition from the workforce to graduate school. In this blog