What’s the worst that can happen? By: Camilla Dunn RN, BSN So you have decided to go to Grad School?! Are you nuts? No, you are not nuts. You are not crazy. But you will think so throughout your journey, trust me on that. I am attending the University of Michigan-Flint for a Doctorate in
Posts Categorized: Nursing
DNP student talks online nursing

My experience at University of Michigan-Flint (U of M-Flint) has been great over the past 3 years. I received my undergraduate degree (bachelor of nursing) here in April of 2015. I applied for the Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP) Program immediately, was accepted and started this program in August of 2015 full-time. I am in
NurseJess Speaks about Anesthesia & more…

Jessica Chang is a student in UM-Flint’s anesthesia program. You can also read more on her blog www.nursejess.com. Is UM-Flint an integrated or front-loaded program? What are advantages and disadvantages? It is an integrated program where clinical begins in the first semester. The disadvantage is that majority of the material has not be presented in
Finding a Passion – by: Eileen Shea

Throughout our studies we are often asked about our goals for the future. At the beginning of my master’s program, my answer was fairly generic: get a job as a family nurse practitioner. As I continue to progress through the program, I find my goals and passions becoming more specific. During our coursework we are