Graduate Programs

Blogs from students, faculty & staff

Sarah Allmacher

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Sarah Allmacher is graduating from the Masters of Physician Assistant Studies (MS) this term! We took a few minutes to get to know her more.

What has been your favorite class?

Clinical Year As a Whole

What did you study as an undergrad?

Allied Health Sciences

What has been your favorite assignment so far?

Probably my capstone research project aimed at raising awareness of Postpartum Depression and resources available to Mothers in Genesee County and surrounding communities! It was such a rewarding experience to have a tangible impact on the Flint community.

What do you prefer studying within your program?

I love working with the pediatric population!

What’s been your overall favorite experience in your program?

I would say serving as the public relations chair for my cohort has been fun. I think my overall favorite experience would be clinical year and attending the MAPA fall conference last year!

Where do you like to study best?

I LOVE the study rooms in Murchie 🙂

Any advice for students considering grad school?

Do it. You can and will surpass your own expectations. Before starting grad school make sure you have a solid support system, including mental health resources. It is so easy to become overwhelmed and neglect your mental/physical health as a result. The thing that got me through grad school was my family and friends – without them, I would not be where I am today!