Graduate Programs

Blogs from students, faculty & staff

Maureen Kaspetrus

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Maureen Kaspetrus is graduating from the Masters of Nursing / Nurse Practitioner Program this term! We took a few minutes to get to know her more.

What has been your favorite class?

Critical Care classes

What did you study as an undergrad?


What has been your favorite assignment so far?

SIMS lab

What do you prefer studying within your program?

Learning how to apply real life practice into SIM and to give us students resources to make it out into real practice with confidence

What’s been your overall favorite experience in your program?

SIM skills labs

Where do you like to study best?

In a library

Any advice for students considering grad school?

You need to ensure that you’re ready for the commitment that’s required of you. It takes a lot of dedication, drive, ambition and the love for the u of m family to succeed and have the honor to be a graduate from the University of Michigan