Graduate Programs

Blogs from students, faculty & staff

Dr Ladel Lewis

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This week on the Victors in Grad School podcast we are joined by Ladel Lewis who is a City Council member with the City of Flint, CEO of Jane Key Solutions, President of Sleuth Ink, and Managing Editor of Courageous Woman Magazine. As you can see Ladel Lewis has a lot going on and we talk about her journey from receiving her undergraduate degree at the University of Michigan-Flint to her Master’s and PhD from Western Michigan University. We also talk about the journey that she had to follow to set aside being unaware of the possibilities of attending graduate school to thrive and finding success in the journey too. Ladel Lewis shares many tips that you can follow in your own journey to advocate for yourself and set yourself up for ultimate success in your career and beyond.

This podcast is brought to you by The Office of Graduate programs at the University of Michigan-Flint. If you’re still wondering about other things to consider when it comes to graduate school, you can also contact the Office of Graduate Programs at UM-Flint. We’re here to answer questions Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST. You can also find out more about the 50+ programs that the university has to offer here.