Graduate Programs

Blogs from students, faculty & staff

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Blog by Holly Kopeski


Summer in Michigan is a wonderful thing. Growing up, a hot day meant a day at a lake. And Michigan just happens to be the best place on Earth for lakes. I would guess that every campus of the university is within a very short drive of at least one fantastic lake, whether that lake be inland or one of the five magnificent Great Lakes.

Flint is unique because it also happens to be home to a very (in)famous river as well. A geographical feature that has been the topic of conversations across the nation, if not beyond. The river ecology allows habitat for numerous creatures and plants, natural beauty, and recreational activities.

Any day in Flint, one can gaze at The Weather Ball to see the forecast. (The Weather Ball is worthy of a piece of its own, so if readers are so inclined, please read its wiki for the history).

During this summer, topics like immigration, welfare, suicides, politics, and environmental issues have dominated mainstream media. Economics plays a part in each of these topics. This is where my program of study, MASS, intersects with life.

In ANT 552, I read about the human implications of immigration, border enforcement, and economic factors. The Durkheim that I read in SSC 501 gave me some perspective on how to consider what the increasing number of suicides means for society. History courses (SSC 502, SSC 504, ECN 527) made me reflect upon the lived experiences of the generation that built the Weather Ball that I mentioned above. ANT 544 exposed how economics and politics can shape housing markets, especially in the Midwest (home to the middleclass population of my great-grandfather).

All of which show how decisions today shape realities for the future. But that is another separate piece.