We used to be so close straight out of the womb.

All through my toddler and adolescent years I fought with you and you always won.

Through my teenage years I did what I could to avoid you, but you would sneak up on me at all times of the day – in class and right after school were your favorite moments to come and to just “pop up.”

In my twenties I avoided you like you were the plague…We would go days without each other.

People warned me I’d regret mistreating you later in life.

Now that later in life has arrived, I not only need you, but sometimes I feel like I want you more than air.

I miss you Sleep. I’m so sorry for avoiding you. Trust Me, if you come back I’d be sure not to mistreat you.

You’d be my grass to my dirt, my ebony to my ivory.

We’d be inseparable, just come back…I’ve learned my lesson, this isn’t funny anymore.

Believe me we were meant to be together!!!


By Theda Simmonds, Psychology Major