Guarded with Innocence

I am more than my hair and my skin color. I am a fierce writer with attitude.

You don’t ever want to cross me because you’ll be that person I’m talking about in my book. You know that irritating character no one likes? That’ll be you.

I am more than my smile and my peace sign of hello and see you later. I am the one that knows all of your secrets.

You know the thing you did with such and such? Yeah I know it, but I’m not telling anyone but my readers. They don’t know it’s you though. So calm down, take a deep breath.

I am more than being quiet and sheltered. I know way more than you think. Playing dumb and naïve isn’t cute, it’s quite irritating.

You just have to know how to play the game correctly. Who am I?

I’m someone who knows how to play the game correctly. Will I get caught? Probably since I wrote this. Do I care? Not one bit.


By Earlexus Dixon, English Major