[April 9, 2024]

James Alsup, professor of physics and director of the CIT Engineering & Technology Division, organized the charter bus trip to view the eclipse
On April 8, 2024 two charter buses filled with over 100 College of Innovation and Technology (CIT) faculty, staff and students embarked on an adventure to Bowling Green State University to witness the rare spectacle of a total solar eclipse.

As the buses unloaded at Doyt L. Perry Stadium, the group from CIT joined the 5,000 other eager attendees to celebrate the solar event that will not take place in the midwest again until 2099. Participants were allowed to look through telescopes for up close views, snack on moon pies and have eclipse shadows cover their bodies during the wait for totality. As the temperatures dropped and the sky increasingly darkened, there was exciting anticipation as viewers continued checking the moon’s status through protective glasses.
As the moon overtook the sun James Alsup, the trip’s coordinator and Director of the Engineering and Technology Division characterized the moment as “…an event that lets you reflect and ponder the beauty of nature and for some the elegant dance between the earth, sun and moon gravity commands.” As the young Andrew Resowski explained, “I felt happy when I watched the eclipse. I don’t know why, I just did.”

The bumper to bumper traffic on I75 North got our Wolverines home much later than anticipated. However, the three words that could be heard among the sleepy travelers were “well worth it!”.
The trip took the efforts of many and the gratitude poured in following the event. Julie Corrian messaged Dr. Alsup to say thank you. “I will forever be grateful for this unique opportunity and the generosity of the U of M Flint Physics Department. I find it difficult to describe in words what I was able to witness. In the moment of the total eclipse I was overcome by the power and majestic beauty of the Sun and Moon. It was an amazing 3 minutes. I shall carry this experience with me always.” Dan McCabe, CIT Student Advisor adds, “And to be there with other staff members, faculty, students from CIT, as well as my own daughter made it something I will never forget.”
Writer credits: Heather LeSage and Kelly O’Brien, CIT Administrative Office