Author Archives: mcarolyn

An Italian Mass Experience

I awoke Sunday morning thinking about the blessing of being in Italy! Part of my life in the United States involves attending church on Sunday morning.  I am a member of the Free Methodist Church in my home town of Clio, Michigan.  I’ve attended church my entire life and love worshipping  with others as a community. I knew that my colleague, Mary Lynn,  was of the Catholic faith and would want to attend mass. We chose to attend San Prospero Catholic Cathedral, the church next to the lions. This is a meaningful place for me as I’ve associated these lions with my beloved Reggio Emilia and the work with children that inspires me.

Mary and I walked into the cathedral together,  I was very excited as I knew this experience would bring us even closer as friends and colleagues! We looked in awe at the beauty before us in this majestic place! I thought about my faith in God and how this building represents his power. It was this faith that kept me believing that I would one day visit Reggio Emilia, and here I am! I knew that I must thank God for this blessing through prayer.  Mary asked me if I would like to pray and I nodded.  We made our way over to another area where alters were located. We both knelt down in front of them and prayed quietly to ourselves.  I thanked God for the opportunity and also prayed for my family back at home. It was a meaningful time as I knelt before my Lord and gave thanks!

Mary and I then returned to our seats as people were beginning to arrive for church. We noticed a family arrive with a baby. Lots of people were gathered around the infant and many were taking pictures.  I couldn’t understand what they were saying as it was all in Italian.  Mary and I both became excited as we realized that the infant was to be baptized and we were going to witness it! The bells began to ring, symbolizing church was going to start. The beautiful pipe organ began to play and people sang the hymn in Italian.  I knew the hymn and sang it in English to myself.  it was interesting to think I could worship

in my own way with others all around me! After singing came the responsive reading. Although they spoke all in Italian,  Mary could interpret as she knew her scriptures used for the responsive reading.  It was amazing to me that she followed them so closely!

The preist got up and gave the homily when the responsive reading was finished.  This is the message provided and it changes from one church to another. I listened to him speak in Italian, and watched his passion for sharing with others.  I feel this same passion for teaching young children. Although I couldn’t understand a word he spoke,  I felt connected to him.

The baptism was next and involved a special ritual. Mary explained to me the questions that the preist asked of the family and of the congregation. It was a beautiful act to witness as the family and church promised to support the child and his spiritual growth. The preist prayed over the child and then sprinkled him with holy water.

Communion is a regular part of the service in the Catholic church.  Mary had explained to me that you must be a member of the Catholic church to take part in communion. When this part of the service began,  I moved aside so that Mary could get out of our pew. She went forward and I watched as she took communion with the Italians. It warmed my heart to think that my friend could worship in the same way no matter how far away from home she was! It was such a beautiful act to witness. The service concluded with music and Mary left with me smiling and full of joy! We will forever remember this experience and be thankful for the blessing!