Author Archives: chenige

Touring Florence’s Markets

What a wonderful way to wake up. I imagine this is how Italians wake up with time to spare and nothing that has to happen right away. I think of my co-workers back home and how they plan just enough time to get everything done so they can get the most amount of sleep, but here I was waking without an alarm and feeling completely refreshed. When I did look over at the clock, I realized that I had missed breakfast but I wasn’t worried. So I got ready with simple amenities and walked out the door with Joslyn.

On our way to the local market for a tour, we were headed off to parts of the city yet to be explored. Around every corner there were restaurants or snack bars. We choose one off the main roads and enjoyed a tasteful sandwich and then discovered a beautiful local glass shop. The glass works were very colorful and bold. I love to see all the different arts that are represented in Florence. Everywhere you look there is another artist. As we are finding our way to the market, we look beyond a fence and there is a bunch of children. I thought “Is that a school?” We continue and see the entrance with documentation in the window. It was so exciting. My first school in Italy!

The market tour was wonderful. We got to taste some of the local berries and I have never tasted ones like these back home. They were picked at just the right time and ready to eat for the day. Our guide was talking with us about how the locals go to the market everyday to buy what they are going to eat for that day. They use the freshest ingredients that are natural grown. I have to say that they have the best taste. At home I see many at the grocery store who buy in bulk and then some of that food goes to waste. Would we take the time to go everyday?

Later walking around the streets we are turning left or right at random. We are trying to see everything that we haven’t and getting all turned around in the process. We are not worried though, and I find it quite fun! We then stumble upon a local chocolate shop that we had visited on another tour and pulled Mary Lynn in to try their chocolate gelato which is to die for.

What is going to be next?