ECDC Staff Head to Italy

This Friday, June 20, five ECDC staff members and I will be hopping on a plane headed to Italy. For the next two weeks to study and learn about early childhood from the Italian perspective. The main part of the trip will be going to Reggio Emilia (pictured here). Reggio Emilia is the birthplace of the Reggio Emilia Approach. This educational philosophy started after World War II and is based on the principles of respect, responsibility, and community through exploration and discovery. The Early Childhood Development Center on campus works under this approach, making a trip to the city of its founding a wonderful opportunity and experience for the ECDC teachers.

As marketing coordinator I’ll be tagging along to document the trip and be a resource to the ECDC staff while they complete their individual learning goals and objectives. You’ll be seeing daily posts on this blog from the ECDC staff as well as myself updating and sharing the journey so be sure to check back regularly for new posts!