Thoughts on the Conference

There was so much information that was presented to us at the conference. It is hard to look back over it and pick something to think about. All the sessions apply to each other and it is a web of information. The review session is what really struck me though. When Marina Castagnetti and Claudia Giudici were talking about what is important in a Reggio school to make it work. They were talking about how important is was to have a team that can work together. Working together is so important in the education field. Teacher are responsible for a lot and when all that responsibility lands on you it weights you down. We need each other for support so we are not doing everything alone. That is how we become “burnt out” and I love this job way to much to let it go that way.

The ateliers tie into collaboration as well. Walking into the atelier of light it is overwhelming. This large room with different sections to explore with several different ideas in each sections. It is massive, overwhelming, and fun.  I took a look at the big picture and thought I can’t do this, but I want to. I lived in the moment and went to explore the atelier. It was fun and I could see how my children might use the materials. I could only imagine all the other ways they could teach me about how to use the materials. At the end we were able to sit down and talk with a designers of the atelier. The group asked how did he come about the project and design it. He said he couldn’t take all the credit because the atelier was designed by a group. This group included many different specialist like an engineer. When I heard that I didn’t feel so bad that I couldn’t do it alone since it wasn’t done alone. To think that all of the amazing things that could be accomplished and provided if we just work together.